The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Pennsylvania, United States

Anybody know what kind of grass this is?



could you also take a picture of the leaf where it joins the stem and a close up of a single flower where it leaves the stem. these are all diagnostic features used in id-ing grasses.

however some of your countrymen/women may recognise it immediately. :o)

26 Jul, 2018


Hmm...outside of my recognition, but there are thousands of grass species across the U.S., so there are a lot of them I don't know to look at. Bathgate or Loosestrife may have better luck, since they live on the east coast.

27 Jul, 2018


Does this belong to the Linaria you asked about in your other question?

27 Jul, 2018


Nope. It has two glumes with two awns (one each) so it is a grass. My first thought was some kind of Timothy, but I'm not finding one that matches

28 Jul, 2018


that's why I asked for extra photos tug. Kids laughed when I used to talk about glumes and awns. I think they thought I used to make up botanical terms. :o)

28 Jul, 2018

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