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sudden Blizzard!

sudden Blizzard!

It took about three minutes to go from bright sunshine to this!

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God, how awful :-(
Keep it there Ian ;-))

17 Dec, 2009


We`ve been getting it as well Ian,luckily its not settling here........

17 Dec, 2009


Hi Louise, I have no intention of being greedy with it. Lol ;~))
LL, It didn't stay for very long here either but it keeps coming and with temps down to below freezing now and not set to warm up until the end of the weekend I have a feeling it will.

17 Dec, 2009


But it does look pretty, doesn't it? Snow forecast for the south east tomorrow - they say about 4 inches but I will believe that when I see it :)

17 Dec, 2009


No snow please, I have to drive to London tomorrow night and back.

17 Dec, 2009


we had a sudden snow shower at lunchtime here ian but didnt settle, i wanted it to,, cant remember last snow here that was proper snow

17 Dec, 2009


I agree Gee, It does look lovely but from inside it looks even better!

Good luck with that Michaella. Fingers crossed you can get there and back ok!

Sandra, we had a huge amount of snow last year, or the beginning of this (I'm not sure) Lol. We had snowball fights, made snowmen and even made a slide!

17 Dec, 2009


Bloomin' heck Michaella ...... that's a very long drive isn't it ?
How many hours is it from Aberdeenshire to London ????

17 Dec, 2009


it must be about 9 -10 hours, it took us about 7 hours from blackpool to aberdeen, a long way

17 Dec, 2009


I agree Sandra 9 - 10 hours each way and over 1000 miles round trip!

17 Dec, 2009


a long haul in one night ian,,, poor michaela ;o( do you have to go michaela? see what the weather is going to do

17 Dec, 2009


Up to 10 hours each way ..... that would kill my back :-(
Sitting for just 'one' hour gives me lower back ache so 10 would finish me off, for sure.

17 Dec, 2009


i was bad enough after 7 from here when i was in pain before my op,, and so boring to :o( then knowing you have to travel all the way back again ,, enough to make you have a breakdown lol (mental breakdown) not car breakdown hahahah

17 Dec, 2009



17 Dec, 2009


I guess I tend to think in different terms as I used to be a lorryist for many many years. 1000 miles IS a long way but ten hours isn't if you know what I mean.

17 Dec, 2009


I thought you lorry drivers had limits as to how far or long you could drive in one 'go'?

17 Dec, 2009


yes they do now barbara, they have special things which tell the police when they set off and how long they have been driving,, not sure how it works but my dad drove for years long distance and at one time they just did long round trips but that was stopped, can get in big trouble now if caught out doing that, not sure on how long they can drive in one stint now

17 Dec, 2009


Four and a half hours then forty five minutes break followed be another four and a half hours in one day! but there are ways and means! At least there was. With these new digital tachographs I don't think you can cheat. The thing is that in a normal car there is nothing in the law to stop you driving for 24 hours if you wanted to and cars can be as deadly as any lorry!

17 Dec, 2009


your right ian,, all are dangerous if the driver is tired,but i guess any work has rules on hours you can do, and a lorry if big can cause more deaths i surpose being alot bigger

17 Dec, 2009


That was the argument that the gov. used to introduce tachographs in the first place but a car crossing the central reservation of a motorway will cause as much mayhem as a lorry!

17 Dec, 2009


i know your right with that ian, but unless they keep tabs on everyone there isnt anything they can do, and that would cost way to much,, but its like a doctor working and can only do so many hours, like i said its all to do with hours of work isnt it and being a danger to yourself and others,, i couldnt do a long trip and drive back i would be falling asleep,, wouldnt even attemp it,, some people can drive for hours and it doesnt affect them, but lorrys are a job so there has to be guide lines and rules like any job i surpose.

17 Dec, 2009


I think your right Sandra, actually I do agree that lorries should be controlled. Vans and taxi's should as well. When I was working at my last job their was a driver who would do a full day in a van and then take an artic out for an overnighter! I also knew drivers that after doing a full shift with a lorry would get in a taxi and then work most of the night ferrying clubbers home!

17 Dec, 2009


Hi Ian...we have it here in Essex too nasty orrible white stuff.......

17 Dec, 2009


really now thats bad and dangerous to, but i guess its down to making money to surport their families, was never the best paid job,, well wasnt when my dad did it so he use to do long trips to make the money,
oh maureen send some here plez ;o))

17 Dec, 2009


Hummmm.....white stuff hey? Isn't it wonderful!!!! NOT!!
Truck drivers can drive for 13 hours total in 24 here. I don't think there is a limit on mileage. But, like you say Ian, there are ways around it unfortunately. I don't think they have to take breaks but I could be mistaken.

18 Dec, 2009


we have the white stuff too ian, but dont know if we will get more. hope for some on the 24th 9pm to 9pm on the 25th then for it all to go. perfect white christmas.

18 Dec, 2009


Hi Gilli, I think drivers get away with far to much really and a driver in the UK would faint at the thought of doing 13 hours a day!

18 Dec, 2009


SBG, That would be lovely wouldn't it?

18 Dec, 2009


we had that to yesterday afternoon when i was out walking in it..... and woke up to snow this morning.............

18 Dec, 2009


No snow here, just a very cold sunny winter day.

18 Dec, 2009


Still 0 degrees here and it's clouding over. Me thinks we might get some more before the day's out!

18 Dec, 2009


now minus 3 and 4 inches deep.[8.30pm] took over an hour to travel 4 miles :o(
but home safe without any mishaps :o)

18 Dec, 2009


Well I'm pleased you got home safe SBG. Do you have to go out tomorrow/today/Saturday? Lol

18 Dec, 2009


LOL Ian. The drivers here complain that 13 hours isn't enough. They do long hauls to Saskatchewan or Manitoba and 13 hours just doesn't get them there in one shot. They object to having to pull over for a break. A lot of them go far too fast too to try and get further in their allotted time.
We are expecting snow on Sunday and Monday....Just had a Chinook come through which melted what we already had.

19 Dec, 2009


Gilli, We have our speed limited to 56 MPH and just can't go any faster so there is no problems with speeding lorries over here. I think your drivers might think they had gone into retirement driving over here!
Anyway, what's a chinook? I thought that was the name of a helicopter.

19 Dec, 2009


What is all of that "white stuff" on the ground? {chuckle}
That is a rare sight here in central Texas!

20 Dec, 2009


Hi N2, You don't know what your missing Lol. Making snowmen, throwing snowballs at each other and sliding down hills on plastic sacks? OR the other way of looking at it: getting frostbite from rolling huge snowballs together, being hit in the face by lumps of ice and careering out of control on your down the steepest hill you can find with only some flimsy plastic for protection! Not to mention the sudden spine jarring stop at the bottom when you hit the wall!
Hmmmm Is there any houses for sale in Texas? Lol

20 Dec, 2009


We had an other 4inches over yesterday evening and the temp hasnt risen above minus 2 all day. snow is really powdery so not much use for snowballs :o). garden looks very strange and i went out shaking the branches of the mahonia and conifers to free them up.
texas sounds good to me too.

20 Dec, 2009


It's snowed since dusk here SBG. There must be a good few inches out there now. Carol and Holly went of to the panto. earlier and I have to go and pick them up! Carol didn't take to kindly to my suggestion that they walk the seven miles back????
What do you reckon, me and mine and you and yours find one of them enormous mansions over in Texas and we start a gardening commune where we teach the young en's how to garden in peace and harmony? Lol

20 Dec, 2009


as long as the motor bikes come too. Hubby has renovated several british ones over the years. And the texas climate should be perfect.

20 Dec, 2009


The snow is quite beautiful but the one thing that I don't like about it is all of the dead plants underneath it.
We had two hard freezes already this year, and I lost about half of my plants. :-(
Please give me some more carbon dioxide and global warming so my plants will survive! ;-)

21 Dec, 2009


Is this Retford, Ian?

6 Jan, 2010


Sorry Maple it's Edwinstowe. Not far away but not on the button.

6 Jan, 2010


Sorry Ian, I missed your question. A chinook is a "warm wind". Basically after weeks of subzero temps and ice and snow there is a sudden warming. A warm wind starts blowing and temps rise dramatically. The snow and ice melt and it feels like spring.....Only lasts a day or two and then you're back to arctic weathre again.

7 Jan, 2010


Ah, thanks Gilli. Now I know! ;~))

7 Jan, 2010

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