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Black Capped Chickadee

Black Capped Chickadee

He tells me what he wants

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Just seen a big (fat) Grey Squirrel on my Bird Feeder!

7 Jan, 2017


LOL I'll never forget when I was at college, a squirrel got into my dorm and ate through an entire jar of peanut butter and loaf of bread. He gnawed right through the jar. I was in disbelief.

7 Jan, 2017


Bloomin' Heck! I wonder what state his teeth were in!

8 Jan, 2017


lol, I wonder what else has been going on in there while I was out.

10 Jan, 2017


That's so adorable! I thought our hummingbirds were cute.
The hummingbirds' are starting to nest here, now.

11 Jan, 2017


I love the hummingbirds. I normally only see them in the Summer.

11 Jan, 2017


The hummingbirds stay here all year. They start to nest around this time of year. In a few weeks they usually start laying their eggs. One always seems to build a nest in my tropical guava tree or in the Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) in the front yard.

The large Bottlebrush tree in my neighbor's yard (which hangs on my side of the back yard) is the hummingbird hotel. Lol! Many hummingbirds nest in there because it's their big food source. As it flowers all year.

11 Jan, 2017


Sounds busy busy busy. Even here in the summertime, seeing a hummingbird is a rare treat. I'm growing native coral honeysuckle across my back fence which I understand to be a hummingbird magnet. I hope it works.

11 Jan, 2017


It's a very busy time for the many hummingbirds here. I see them with cotton in their beaks. It's a cute, funny sight. This is how I know they're building their nests.

I hope your Coral Honeysuckle attracts more hummingbirds! I know they love to eat! Lol! My neighbor has a large Giant Burmese Honeysuckle (Lonicera hildebrandiana) , which is located next to the Bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus) tree. It's a good source of food for the hummingbirds.

12 Jan, 2017


We have a little bird similar to this and it's called a coal tit. We have pied wagtails visiting our garden at the moment. They like mealworms. It's been the RSPB birdwatch this weekend, so we've been watching for who's coming and going for an hour in the garden, and then we send the results back to them.

30 Jan, 2017


Sent my results back today Linda! ;o) It's the first time I've ever participated in the RSPB survey, I've really enjoyed watching with the bino's! It's a good job our garden is very private - Goodness knows what the neighbours would be thinking... :D

31 Jan, 2017


Well done Petaltracey. We've done the birdwatch for a long time now and find it interesting to see exactly how many birds do come for food. We also do a butterfly conservation watch too.

1 Feb, 2017

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