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Photos tagged as "2011"

  • hanging basket
    By Jillonwheels
  • ooops bad pic
    By Jillonwheels
  • Aquilegia alpina DSC05028
    By Acantholimon
  • Giant veg at the Dundee Flower & Food Festival 2011
    By Petal50
  • Gladiolli
    By Petal50
  • floral art
    By Petal50
  • help with name
    By Shaylaina
  • this plant has moved many, many times with me
    By Shaylaina
  • Looks sad by the money tree and spider plant
    By Shaylaina
  • My First Shrubbery
    By Tralamander
  • My First Shrubbery
    By Tralamander
  • My First Shrubbery
    By Tralamander