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Photos tagged as "blue"

  • Agapanthus (Agapanthus africanus (African blue lily))
    By Dottydaisy2
  • Morning glory
    By Treesandthi..
  • Clematis Rhapsody (Clematis Rhapsody)
    By Dottydaisy2
  • Blue knight
    By Raketje
  • And now without the bee
    By Raketje
  • Borage
    By Mebennet
  • Diaphanous delphiniums
    By Mebennet
  • Cerinthe Major Purpurascens (Cerinthe major (Honeywort))
    By Madmum
  • Clematis Not too sure of this one. (clematis)
    By Dottydaisy2
  • A garden flower photo
    By Fluff
  • Morning Glory "Heavenly Blue" (Convolvulus)
    By Lucyphoebe
  • Blue tit
    By Gee19