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Photos tagged as "greenhouse"

  • Tomato and Courgette plants
    By Karensusan63
  • tomatoes and cucumbers (Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato) Cucumis sativus)
    By Hildadorissen
  • chillie Joe's Long  and cherry tomatoes in greenhouse
    By Hildadorissen
  • two pigeons on open window of greenhouse (Polygonum persicaria (Amplexicaule))
    By Hildadorissen
  • Streptocarpus "Mei Lee"
    By Amblealice
  • Streptocarpus "Hueu no MIzu"
    By Amblealice
  • Hippeastrum "Charisma"
    By Amblealice
  • tub to collect rainwater from the greenhouse
    By Hildadorissen
  • our greenhouse seen from upstairs (sheep in meadow in the background)
    By Hildadorissen
  • the same melon plant two months later, at the end of July 2006  (cucumis melo)
    By Hildadorissen
  • melons in the greenhouse at the beginning of September 2006 (Cucumis melo)
    By Hildadorissen
  • greenhouse completely full! July 2006
    By Hildadorissen