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United Kingdom

Hi I have a wisteria growing over my front porch that is over 10 years old. I prune it back in the summer and spring but I only ever seem to get a couple of flowers in the spring. How can I encourage more flowers?
Many thanks



What exactly do you mean by 'Summer' and 'Spring'? You should be looking more at late winter (February), rather than spring, and late summer (August). Take a look at the RHS webpage:

21 Aug, 2015


Wisteria flowers on stems made in the previous year. If you prune your Wisteria in spring, chances are you will cut off the flower buds.

August is the month to prune Wisteria. Cut each of those long, new whippy stems back to 5 -6 buds or leaf axils. In early Jan or late Dec shorten these stems further to 2 -3 buds and your Wisteria should flower well.

21 Aug, 2015

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