By Andrea
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
What to do now with my orchid? A friend bought it for me back in August but now all the flowers have gone so I'm not sure what to do?
- 14 Nov, 2018
You asked this question already.
14 Nov, 2018
Thank you for taking time to reply, I was unsure that my first post had uploaded a picture which is why I tried it again.
15 Nov, 2018
check the flower stem as often you get new flower shoots coming from the small 'spurs'. if the stalk is totally dead then snip it off at the bottom next to any leaves it may have. give it a feed of a houseplant food like baby bio but diluted to half strength that it suggests. or you can buy a baby bio for orchids. One of our guest speakers who specialises in orchids said it was just their normal 'stuff' diluted again.
you might also think about repotting it into fresh orchid compost [has a lot of bark in it to give lots of air movement].
14 Nov, 2018