The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom Gb

Can anyone tell me, please why my Anthurium leaves keep turning brown? It’s not overwatered nor is it too dry. It lives on a north facing windowsill.
Spring last year I repotted it, taking three little attachments from it. Two died, one looks very healthy but the mother plant isn’t doing well. If I was fanciful I’d say she was grieving for her babies! Whatever,I’m at a loss to know what to do because it’s always flowered well.
Help please!




Do you mist it? dry air is often a cause of leaf browning, though those 2 large brown spots are not typical of dry air.

23 May, 2024


Looks like a potassium deficiency with the brown spots appearing.

24 May, 2024


Sorry you have the same question twice. I just couldn’t get it to send. If it’s possible to delete the second on will someone please do so. Thanks.

25 May, 2024

How do I say thanks?

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