Climber suitable for archway with planters
By Shell820810
United Kingdom
I want to put an archway at the small gate into our back garden, but the area is paved, so need to use one with planters. What would be the best plants for this? It will be in sun most of the day?
15 Apr, 2009
I have a honeysuckle in a pot and flowers lots and lots all through summer. Or for quick growing climbers try morning glory it is an annual so you dont have the problem of it not likeng the compost in the pot after a year, as it would have died and you can sow more the following year.
Or cobea scandens (cup and saucer vine).
15 Apr, 2009
I would plant summer jasmine. It smells divine and is also evergreen. It also does'nt have thorns to catch your clothes when you walk past.
15 Apr, 2009
Some (not all like the sun) Clematis with other plants to shade the roots?
15 Apr, 2009
Previous question
Climbing roses?
15 Apr, 2009