The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

As my Geraniums planted in balcony half baskets with moss liner are not flowering, I am wondering whether to pot them up in September to try an keep them over winter. Years ago I used to see one in the front window of a large Victorian house, it flowered all winter. It was about 4' high and 2.5' wide. I didnt know the householder, so never learned whether it was watered or not. Has anyone done this in a cold front room all winter?



Years ago there were lots of geranium,s {pelargonium,s}
grown as house plants, not so many now because they,re so cheap most people buy new plants each year for bedding out, if grown as a houseplant they tend to drop as many leaves as they produce, so tend to get leggy, and never look as healthy as when grown in the ground or in a greenhouse.
If you do decide to grow in the house, try to keep away from centrally heated rooms, give as much light as possible, and feed regularly, keep just moist, Derek.

17 Jun, 2012


I always put the geraniums in the gh to overwinter, cutting them back a bit to keep them tidy, last winter they flowered for most of the winter ( insulated cold gh) the previous two really bad winters I lost them all
They are outside now growing strongly and full of flower when most other plants are still inside cowering from this wet and windy summer.....

18 Jun, 2012


Try taking cuttings in August - easier to overwinter in the house than big plants. I plant mine in a trough and keep it in the conservatory where they flower most of the winter.

18 Jun, 2012


Thank you everyone. Will try this advice.

19 Jun, 2012

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