The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

I cant understand why Pink Fir Apple Potatoes are keeping so well this year. Here it is, end of June, and I am still eating them. Even the bits that broke off have dried by themselves and are perfect. In previous years this variety have been going rotten by March. I always store them in cardboard boxes, covered with newspaper,
in the same place at the back of a shelf in a brick-built shed. The freeze-ups dont affect my stored crop. They are a prolific variety that mature in September. Last year I grew too many Potatoes. Thought I would have to throw the Pink Fir Apple crop away early in the year. However, they are still with me and being enjoyed daily.



How nice to hear that some things are going well this year! It has been so full of disappointments in so many areas (geographical and horticultural!)

29 Jun, 2012

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