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Baby Lemon (Baby Lemon)

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baby lemon (baby lemon)

Baby Lemon (Baby Lemon)


From Crocus

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Position: a sunny patio outside, or bright conservatory in winter
Soil: moist but well-drained soil. John Innes No2 compost should be used when potting up
Rate of growth: average
Flowering period: April to September
Flower colour: white
Other features: exceptionally flavoured lemons and deliciously scented flowers.Hardiness: tender (needs winter protection) A remarkable, heavy-cropping, little tree with glossy, dark green leaves and smooth-skinned, bright golden fruit with exceptional flavour. This clever variety is unique in that it keeps on producing flowers from spring to autumn, so it is possible to have flowers, small, un-ripened fruit as well as ready-to-pick lemons on the plant at the same time. One of the hardiest lemon trees available, it can be grown on a sunny patio in summer, but will need an unheated conservatory or greenhouse to over-winter. The plants may not arrive with fully developed lemons, but they are top-notch, quality plants.Garden care: Ideally grow in a pot which is easily moved from terrace to conservatory, in soil-based compost. Feed every two weeks with a special citrus fertiliser (there is one for summer and another for winter), and pot on or top-dress plants in late winter. Move outside after the risk of frost has passed to a sunny, sheltered patio.

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