The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Siris's Garden

Siris has added 17 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent


Tradescantia fluminensis tricolour

Added on 20 Jul, 2021 | 1 photo

Genus: Tradescantia.
Species: Tradescantia fluminensis tricolour.

Tender variegated hardy perennial. Put in a hanging basket on top of water barrel under carport. To be brought...


Tradescantia x andersoniana Bilberry Ice

Added on 26 Mar, 2020 | 2 photos

Genus: Tradescantia.
Species: Tradescantia x andersoniana.

Hardy Perennial with Lavender blue flowers. Maroon new shooots. From Macplants. Put front garden near right s...


Tragopogon porrifolius (Salsify)

Added on 7 Jun, 2023 | 1 photo

Genus: Tragopogon.
Species: Tragopogon porrifolius.

Hardy biennial with edible root and purple flower. In a deep pot wih parsnip seelings. From seed 2023.



Added on 15 Jul, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Tricyrtis.
Species: Tricyrtis (Toad Lily).

Bought in a pot, 1€. Put in shady Hosta border by conservatory.


Trillium erectum

Added on 9 Sep, 2017 | 2 photos

Genus: Trillium.
Species: Trillium erectum.

A root of Trillium erectum. When mature mahogany red flowers on 1-4" stalks on 18" stems. For a cool ...


Trillium grandiflorum

Added on 4 Apr, 2017 | 5 photos

Genus: Trillium.
Species: Trillium grandiflorum.

Trillium with white flowers, grows 50cm x 50cms (20"). For neutral humusy soil in shade. From MacPennys. ...

Trillium grandiflorum2

Added on 2 Mar, 2022 | 0 photos

Genus: Trillium.
Species: Trillium grandiflorum.

Bought 2nd Trillium grandiflorum, with 2021 Bulb Order. In pot at present, to be planted out ...


Trillium NOT luteum

Added on 23 Mar, 2017 | 2 photos

Genus: Trillium.
Species: Trillium.

Trillium (brown/purply glowers) tuber lost in dry border for 20? years, refound small piece 2016, put into shad...

Trollius europaeus Golden Queen

Added on 7 Jun, 2023 | 0 photos

Genus: Trollius.
Species: Trollius europaeus.

Damp loving perennial with golden flowers. From seed 2023. In pot stood in edge of pond


Tropaeolum speciosum

Added on 1 May, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Tropaeolum.
Species: Tropaeolum speciosum.

LOST 2017? Climbing Nasturtium with red flowers for cool, sheltered, acid soil. Roots to be shaded from sun, bu...

Tulbaghia (Society Garlic)

Added on 18 May, 2024 | 0 photos

Genus: Tulbaghia.
Species: Tulbaghia violacea.

Pot of seedlings, swap. Toxic to cats and dogs.


Tulip 'Red Riding Hood'

Added on 7 Apr, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Tulipa.
Species: Tulipa.

Small pot of Tulips 50p. Put front RHS path.

Tulip Little Princess

Added on 17 Feb, 2024 | 0 photos

Genus: Tulipa.
Species: tulipa.

A small Tulip

Tulip sprengeri

Added on 8 Jul, 2021 | 0 photos

Species: Tulip sprengeri.

A species tulip, with single magenta/red flowers. Will do well in dappled shade and self seed if happy. Pot of ...


Tulipa bakeri Lilac Wonder

Added on 23 Sep, 2021 | 1 photo

Genus: Tulipa.
Species: Tulipa bakeri.

10 bulbs bought, 5 bulbs frnt garden behing last quadrant stone, 5 in back rhs of first stepping stone to corner.


Ugni molinae (Chilean Myrtle (Strawberry Myrtle)

Added on 18 Feb, 2017 | 6 photos

Genus: Ugni.
Species: Ugni molinae.

An evergreen shrub, fragrant white flowers followed by edible red fruit. For sun/part shade in a moist but well ...


Umbilicus rupestris

Added on 19 Aug, 2021 | 3 photos

Genus: Umbilicus.
Species: Umbilicus rupestris.

Perennial with fleshy leaves and greenish/pink flowers in May. For a shady position growing particularly in crev...


Uvularia grandiflora

Added on 8 May, 2015 | 3 photos

Genus: Uvularia.
Species: Uvularia grandiflora.

A woodlander with yellow flowers in spring, placed in garage border, shady by entrance. Bought Spinners.


Uvularia perfoliata

Added on 2 May, 2022 | 1 photo

Genus: Uvularia.
Species: Uvularia perfoliata.

Rhizomatic perennial with yellow flowers late spring May, for shade to part shade. For the conservatory corner


Variegated Convallaria majalis

Added on 12 Jun, 2021 | 1 photo

Genus: Convallaria.
Species: Convallaria majalis.

Lily of the valley with yellow striped leaves.


Various seedlings for my reminders list

Added on 25 Apr, 2016 | 1 photo

Pic 1 Iris pseudocorus Alba, Dianthus superbus, Fuchsia procumbens.
Pic 2 Bearded Iris crosses, seed from 2015....


Veratrum nigrum

Added on 26 Mar, 2020 | 2 photos

Genus: Veratrum.
Species: Veratrum nigrum.

Hardy Perennial to 1.5 m, with black flower spikes, for a moist but well drained soil. All parts toxic. From Mac...


Veratrum schlinderi?(nigrum IT IS NOT)

Added on 4 Nov, 2015 | 4 photos

Genus: Veratrum.
Species: Veratrum schlinderi?.

Should be 1.8m with black flowers,it is not From Woottens mail order. It is actually v. tall with white flowers...

Verbena Bampton

Added on 16 Jul, 2018 | 0 photos

Genus: Verbena.
Species: Verbena officinalis.

Bushy upright perennial with airy stems to 0.5m, dark foliage and pink/purple flowers. One back garden behind 1s...


Veronica gentianoides Pallida

Added on 15 May, 2020 | 1 photo

Genus: Veronica.
Species: Veronica gentianoides.

A ground covering Veronica with pale blue flowers, now have 2 good clumps.


Veronica spicata Heidekind

Added on 26 Mar, 2020 | 1 photo

Genus: Veronica.
Species: Veronica spicata.

Hardy Perennial to 30cm with spikes of pink flowers. Put front of back border, back garden. From Macplants

Veronicastrum sibiricum var. yezoense (syn V sakhalinense

Added on 7 May, 2021 | 0 photos

Genus: Veronicastrum.
Species: Veronicastrum sibiricum.

Hardy Perennial to 1.5 with purple spikes mid summer. From seed 2020. For back of a border in rich soil prefer...


Veronicum virginicum Album

Added on 18 Jul, 2022 | 1 photo

Genus: Veronica.
Species: Veronica virginicum Album.

Tall Hardy perennial with white flowers grown from seed couple of years ago. Repotted


Vestia foetida

Added on 18 Nov, 2019 | 6 photos

Genus: Vestia.
Species: Vestia foetida.

Evergreen shrub with yellow tubular flowers. From Seed. Put back fence.


Vinca ( possibly Jenny Pym)

Added on 11 Feb, 2016 | 3 photos

Genus: Vinca.
Species: Vinca difformis.

An upright form of Vinca. Possibly difformis Jenny Pym. Blue/lilac flowers wit white centre.
One place in back...


Viola 'Deltini Copperfield

Added on 18 Feb, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Viola.
Species: Viola.

Tray of 6 viola BGC 50p


Viola Black

Added on 10 Aug, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Viola.
Species: Viola.

A black flowered Viola seedling, Given by neighbour. Put by steps to pergola.


Viola hederacea

Added on 8 Jul, 2021 | 1 photo

Genus: Viola.
Species: Viola hederacea.

A viola with small white flowers with blue centres. From my HPS friend. Planted at front of garage border, slig...


Watsonia 'Apricot'

Added on 9 May, 2015 | 5 photos

Genus: Watsonia.
Species: Watsonia pillansii.

Clump forming perennial 1.5 m with sword shaped leaves. Bright orange flowers in summer. Needs well drained so...


Watsonia (pink)

Added on 19 Jul, 2015 | 1 photo

Corm of a pink flowered Watsonia. (Possibly borbonica) Half hardy, protect from frost. After spring flowering, s...


Watsonia (white)

Added on 19 Jul, 2015 | 1 photo

Corm of a Watsonia with white flowers. Half hardy, protect from frost. (Possibly borbonica Ardernes) Summer dor...


Watsonia pillansii

Added on 6 May, 2017 | 1 photo

Genus: Watsonia.
Species: Watsonia pillansii.

LOST winter 2017/28 Bugle lily. Clump forming courmous perennial 1mwith sword shaped leaves. Flower spike from p...


White Rockrose

Added on 1 May, 2022 | 1 photo

Genus: Helianthemum.
Species: Helianthemum nummularium.

Self seeded in two places from a plant I had years ago which has since gonewoody.


Wulfenia x schwarzii

Added on 2 May, 2022 | 3 photos

Genus: Wulfenia.
Species: Wulfenia x.

Alpine, purple flowers from a basal rosette for shade or pt shade. To go in the rock garden shaded by the pear t...


x Rhodoxis Hebron Farm Pink

Added on 10 Jun, 2021 | 1 photo

Species: x Rhodoxis.

A Rhodohypoxis cross with pink flowers, for a sunny, well drained position .


Ypsilandra thibetica

Added on 10 Apr, 2023 | 1 photo

Species: Ypsilandra thibetica.

Evergreen perennial alpine for part to full shade in moist humus rich soil, flowers vanilla scented in Spring, c...


Ypsilsandra thibetica

Added on 16 Feb, 2019 | 1 photo

Species: Ypsilsandra thibetica.

Mound of strap-like evergreen leaves. White flowers with blue anthers in Spring. Part shade Ht 30 cm. To go ne...



Added on 24 Sep, 2016 | 1 photo

Genus: Yucca.
Species: Yucca.
