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That sounds like a lovely relaxing weekend to me, we were very lucky with the weather as well, I pottered around my garden also, don't like to go out on bank holidays Kate, too many people around for me, if there are going to be crowds about I steer clear and head in the opposite direction or stay home... I do like your tree fern, love all ferns, never had a tree fern though I've been tempted, I worry enough about protecting my acers and succulents without adding one of those to the list, lol....
Lovely blog and photo's Kate...x


Oh No !!!.... Carol is my favorite out of all the lady gardeners, I hope both surgery and any ongoing treatment goes well for her and she is soon back in her lovely garden and also with us.....

On blog - Mini blog


Thankyou for all of your lovely comments, they are a great comfort to me, I was unsure about posting this blog as I didn't want to appear maudlin but then I thought " Don't be daft Sue, you've known and shared with all these friends for a lot of years"... I'm glad I did now....xx


Thankyou all xx

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Your dwarf lilac is gorgeous, mine has very few flowers on it this year, do you ever prune yours Sheila, I only ever snip the flowers off once they finish, its never let me down before so perhaps it needs a complete makeover instead of just a top up and feed.....Glad I'm not alone in forgetting the names of my plants, I definitely blame my age....


Lovely photo's Sheila, I have to take lots because I often get blurred ones, the phlox is a really pretty one, I treated myself to a lovely new green acer, Gill will love hers, I'm sure its the same one, forgot the name but the label is still in the pot, mine was a gift to myself last Saturday from our local nursery, we'd gone to buy some native plants for Dereks grave, coincidently cowslips was the main one that we wanted....


Thanks for showing us some of your lovely plants, Sheila! As Hywel has said that dwarf Lilac is beautiful! The Pelargonium flower has come out beautifully! I love the colour!


WOW! your tree is absolutely loaded down with flowers - let's hope the same happens with the apples later in the year!


Beautiful poppies, Shirley!

On photo - Welsh Poppies


A beautiful flower, Wylie! They are my wife's favourite flowers! Just a couple of days ago I finished repotting seedlings of Carnations! Some already have flower buds forming!


A magnificent Mango tree! I've never seen one before - only the fruits. I've had a few & they are delicious but I expect they are even more delicious just picked from the tree! I hope your tree sets fruit this year!


Temps on the rise today,can't complain. Shrubs are enjoying the change especially the roses.


I think it comes to all of us eventually Hywel … frustrating in the extreme.


How lovely is that. We have visiting hedgehogs too.

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It's nice to see gardens becoming more lively and colourful even if the weather is on the cool side ...

I don't see ads, I've blocked them.


A nice way to spend some time, I'm glad you enjoyed your day. Lovely photos too :)
I like Bettany Hughes's programms, they are very interesting and she's an easy person to listen to.


Thank you Sheila that's very kind of you, I'll send a PM

It's a wonder I remembered the Deutzia's name, I've just been watering my cacti and couldn't remember many of their names, although I always knew every one.


not sure Linda , I love my wildlife . have a hedgehog too in a little garden

On photo - IMG 20190715 091220


Thank you Kate, glad you enjoyed the sunshine too!


Many thanks Kate 🙂. x


No don't pinch it back as every year more shoots come from soil level. It isn't a fussy plant but prefers full sun. It produces a cluster of blue pea like flowers June/July and then bladder/bloated seed pods late summer. I love mine.


It's been a lovely day, Sheila. My last visit took place in a warm conservatory overlooking a gorgeous garden late this afternoon!!! Perfect!
Your pics are so pretty, I do love those colours! The pics have turned out just fine!
I'll bet you can't wait to get the cosmos planted out too! Glad to hear you've had a lovely day in the garden!


I'm sorry to hear of your brother in law passing away, Sheila. I'm sure your sister will have all your support and all the family's support too.
It's very sad news, but, the Acer is a very lovely gift, especially as it was inspired by Steve x


Thank you. Callie. I'm happy to hear you like the tree fern! They seem to do well here, thankfully! It sounds like you've really enjoyed being in your garden this weekend, it's so good for the mind and the soul! Look forward to seeing your pics!


Aw that's really kind, Resinone! That's a lovely message! I'm pleased you like the blog, and my lavender comment too! :-D


Thank so much, Sheila! Yes, that particular Aquilegia really is excelling on the rockery!!! Pleased you like, I'll bet yours was pretty lovely too!


Thank you. Chris and Linda :-)

On photo - Evergreens.


A Nandina might fill the bill … colourful leaves all year round.


I just put the tomatoes in the ground and started the pumpkins since the ground is ready. I have seen the farmers around the south side of the island have corn coming up/ As small as this island is, there is a difference between south side and north side, east end and west end of about 2 weeks.

On photo - Marigolds


Ah, thank you Hywel … could I perhaps be showing my age?! You are quite right, Deutzia it is 🙂. I will try to remember …

Would you like a cutting of the Lilac sometime? I gave two friends cuttings last year and they both now have thriving mini Lilacs.


Agree with you Callie ,happens to the wrong people .Her one hour seasonal programmes are so helpful.

On blog - Mini blog


Lovely photos Sheila, dwarf Lilac is really beautiful :)
Would your Diascia actually be a Deutzia I wonder ?


They all look well cared for Kate.

On photo - Evergreens.


Lovely to see. Aren't they protected now? At least you look after them.

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Thanks Homebird.

On photo - Acer in pot.


Thanks Homebird, I hope they keep going a bit longer.


Hope they do well for the both of us Homebird. I love fresh runner beans and they're good for freezing too.


Thanks Homebird, I was surprised when the flowers opened.

On photo - Wallflower.


Thank you - yes it's nice, found him/her whilst digging , now swims about in little pond :)

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I was also upset to hear the news about Carol, I hope she makes a full recovery, such a lovely lady. i did hear she was looking forward to Chelsea. I wish her all the best also.

On blog - Mini blog


Your tree fern is looking really good Kate and I love your photos.
I have been in the garden all weekend, its nice seeing it all start to shape up and see whats emerging.


I loved your remark about the fledgling lavender ;-)
Yours are just the sort of blogs to tempt me back into goy, not visited for a long time. Beautiful photos..


Yes, it covers the grounds at parks and the sides of the mesas here in San Diego.

On photo - Nasturtium Blooming


So lucky to have these in your pond.

On photo - IMG 20190715 091220


Thats such a pretty colour.

On photo - Wallflower.


I shall hopefully get my canes put up this weekend. My beans are in the greenhouse too.


Looking very well Linda.


I only got around to sowing my seed last week. They will be so late planting out. Yours look super.

On photo - Marigolds


Really lovely photo's Kate. I love the pink cones.

On photo - Evergreens.