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We inherited it Kate. I do have to spray it because our deer loves it. It is a focal point in our garden in August.

On photo - Pink phlox


Thank you Kate for your kind comment


Thank you Kate

On photo - Dark-eyed Junco


I hope it will survive our wet winter Kate.

On photo - Wallflower


Thank you Ange and Kate. These plants are quite unique and you do not have to worry about slugs or myself about deer.

On photo - Strawflower


Thank you Kate, we were surprised how tall and how big leaves it developed as I bought it originally in 4 inch pot.....but we both love it.

On photo - House plant


Looks quite elegant Ange.


I didn’t know that, but I love the delicate edging on the flowers.

On photo - Eucomis bicolor


It's great to see your sunny skies and wildlife Bb. So sorry to hear about mama Sunbirds egg. Hopefully she'll lay another egg to incubate and you'll get to see the fledgling when hatched, and maybe we will too..:))


I'm at the top of the hill here Balc, so windy too, we seem to get quite a few very windy days don't we. Like your balcony, the plants here seem to cope. It's only the acers that are scorched.

On photo - Acer Jordan


Welcome back Bernie, can't wait to see your garden pics..:)


It's gorgeous and I like the way it has the deeper coloured flower within the pale..

On photo - Purple Wreath


I do like this dark one. The flowers are really asking to be pollinated aren't they.


Love the colours..

On photo - Wishbone Flower


Is the plant itself a type of Agave or Aloe Bb? The flowers really are beautiful, and very much like the ones I used to have in my garden in Spain.


Beautiful shrub Bb, I don't think it's related to the Mandevilles as I previously thought. It has a very similar trumpet flower but a climber.


Fabulous colour!


Is it a trumpet flower Bb? I wonder if it's related to the Mandeville's? They would do well in your climate..


So do I, it's a beauty!

On photo - White Alder


Very pretty! I hope it does well for you. I have a small one with gold flowers that has been great for months, but looking tired now.


This is a pretty one, I've not seen it here. I've not had any hanging baskets this year and with our weather, I've saved some money!


Gorgeous big leaves, attractive colouring, Ange.


Lovely pic, restful looking ducks, enjoying the view.


Thank you, Julia. Pleased you like 😊


Looking good, Balc.


Love this.

On photo - White Alder


Really enjoyable pics., Bushbernie. I'm glad mother bird has come back to the nest and hope she lays lots of eggs for you to enjoy watching. The wallaby is very picturesque also. Good luck with your baskets. Goodness, the breeders do give these plants some forgettable names, don't they?!


any chance of a photo of the leaves. I was wondering if it was an ornamental arum.

welcome to GoY too.


Beautiful group of plants Kate.


How lovely, and not too far away. It seems to have included everything, Julia! Steam train too, a pleasant trip on this no doubt!
I'll be looking forward to your next visit too!


I do love abbeys, minsters and churches. My parents live in a small town with an Abbey. I always took it for granted as a child.

Lovely pic, Karen.


Thanks Kate. We really are very blessed and appreciate all the special joys that came our way whilst living here.


So far so good Kate. It's definitely the prettiest Kalanchoe I've ever had.


For me the favourite times of the year are definitely our tropical end-of-Autumn, Winter and early Spring. Summertime is harsh here and it's not great for my garden. The heat and humidity are not great for me either!!


Temperatures below 5˚C (41˚F) can kill tender calla lilies. Z. aethipoica is the hardiest of them though.
They can also drown in wet conditions over winter.


Oh really Julia, that's it then! I'll let it be both haha. I must have taken off 6 previous branches over the summer.


It's certainly a beautiful orchid. Love the colour and markings. Very graceful.

On photo - Peacock orchid


Beautiful! Very graceful looking too.

On photo - Peacock orchid


Sorry I missed this, Klahanie! It's absolutely gorgeous! What a fime specimen.

On photo - Pink phlox


Oh bless, I'm hoping he survives too, he's a beauty. Keeping everything crossed for the little chap.


Interesting info, Klahanie! I'll have to Google now :-)


Wow! He's a smasher! Posing for the trail camera. It sounds lovely to have both boys visiting regularly.

On photo - A deer


I am loving Henry. Your OH is one lucky fellow!!!

On photo - Henry


Gorgeous!!! It's definitely enjoying your warmer temps.

On photo - Roses


Another lovely pic, Klahanie! Very pretty colour on the lobelia, very beautiful bird.


He certainly is a lovely little bird! I enjoy your wildlife photos.

On photo - Dark-eyed Junco


I agree, lovely colouring, Klahanie. Bonus to have scent too.

On photo - Wallflower


Perfect to extend the summer feel through Autumn. My OH would love this, he likes orange in the garden.

On photo - Strawflower


That's a lovely, lush leaf on this one, Klahanie. Lovely variegation.

On photo - House plant


Thank you, too, Ange. I appreciate your sentiments too. My OH believe it or not, has a set of traffic lights in our loft! From his days of DJ'ing in his late teens! Thank god the drums were long gone! Our garage is like a workshop too! Plus his motorbike is in there. You're right though, we have to appreciate each other when we are living together. I have many books stored in the loft and folders from my nursing lectures and study days etc.. I must dispose of these.
My parents have many of my treasured books from my childhood and my schooldays in their loft!! I keep saying, one day...:-)