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Hi i have recently bought a greenhouse and am eager to start growing! i,m a little unsure of what i can grow during winter though. i don,t mind either flowers or veg. i.m a complete novice and the greenhouse is 6x4 so it,s quite small so something easy wo

worcestershire, United Kingdom




There are seeds that you can start off at this time of year, and one of them is sweet peas. Then you get off to an early start in the spring, as the plants go out in mid-April and produce flowers in May!

Other seeds will say on the packet when they can be sown, so go and have a browse...

This is without heating...

Welcome to GOY, by the way. :-))

9 Oct, 2009


On the veg side, you could try various types of salad leaf such as Mizuna, Corn salad, Land Cress, which as I recall are all quite hardy.

9 Oct, 2009


You could also have a few pots of bulbs which will then flower that bit earlier for you to enjoy. Nothing fancy just good basic stuff like crocuses and daffs.

9 Oct, 2009


oooh happy sowing, my haven is my greenhouse

welcome to GOY

x x x

9 Oct, 2009


Welcome Jayne...:>)

9 Oct, 2009


I've had my 'Capability Brown' for thirty years now so I guess I'm growing old in mine.
Welcome to GoY

9 Oct, 2009


Just to get started try some of the early garden bulbs in pots as suggested by MG. Being able to go into the greenhouse in February, say, and enjoy looking at a pot of flowering crocus whilst it is cold, wet and windy outside is a joy. If you don't want to keep growing bulbs under glass then you can plant them in the garden next year.

10 Oct, 2009


Herbs are good to grow in a green house , Chillies, even perhaps onions, it doesnt have to be just flowers

15 Oct, 2009


Never considered herbs in a greenhouse - I'd have thought it would make them too soft.

15 Oct, 2009


moon grower , ive had no trouble growing non hardy herbs ie basil, parsley coriander in my greenhouse over winter , its just like growing herbs on your windowsill thats all except its in the greenhouse.

15 Oct, 2009

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