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Wiltshire, United Kingdom Gb

I hope the attached photo is adequate! It is of a rectangular plot in the centre of a grassy area in front of my house. North is somewhere behind the house, so the plot gets a lot of sun. Currently it contains a contorted hazel, a dogwood that has been cut down (ready to grow again during the year) and a flowering cherry. The rest is forget-me-nots and assorted weeds. I am looking for suggestions as to what to do with it. I could perhaps take everything out and start again, with, for example, a mahonia in the centre (it is currently in a pot), or I could dig out the forget-me-nots and weeds and cover the ground with grass, real or artificial, making it easier to mow. I'd appreciate any other suggestions, please.




Does a perennial border appeal? Using insect friendly, drought & sun tolerant plants?

Such as lavender, Siberian sage, rudbeckia, whatever sedum is now called etc

19 May, 2024


Maybe a dwarf cherry (Prunus kojo-no-mai) underplanted with Anenome Blanda, and followed with a carpet of Phlox subulata and Phlox chattahoochee? I like the daisies in your grass - please don't replace it with artificial grass (I've heard it can be a nuisance!).

19 May, 2024


Thank you both very much for your comments. I've not yet decided exactly what to do with it, but I don't really think I'll be using artificial grass, although I know some people who are pleased with it. Incidentally, I had no idea that sedum was now called anything other than sedum. I have some elsewhere and have always known it is sedum. If it has a new name, I wonder what it is??

22 May, 2024

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