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acer in pot


By Bernard

Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

I believe this is Acer palmatum atropurpureum. Could anyone confirm this or offer an alternative name?



Yes it is an Acer a beautiful specimen sorry dont know variety.

16 Sep, 2008


I love the pot as well! Where did that come from?

16 Sep, 2008


Yes it is a beauty and Acer looks really well in it.

16 Sep, 2008


We all like the pot, as well as the lovely Acer pal.atro. Bernard. come on- where did you get it from please?

16 Sep, 2008


I agree both pot and Acer look wonderful.

17 Sep, 2008


This is a classic example of using the wrong pot. Both Acer and pot are beautiful but I have made the mistake as has happened here HOW ARE YOU GOING TO REPOT THE ACER WHEN THE TIME COMES!!!!! Break the lovely pot!!!!

17 Sep, 2008


I bought the pot in Dobbies and plants also but came home and potted them myself.

As plant still a baby will worry about that when the times and enjoy the pleasure for now.

17 Sep, 2008


Thanks to all the lovely people who answered my question about the acer in a pot. The pot was bought at a garden show umpteen years ago and I have no idea if it is still available anywhere. Sorry about that.
Best wishes

18 Sep, 2008


We seem to be at cross purposes on this one . I was refering to the 'photo of Bernard's beautiful pot , I am not aware of Scotkat's pot !!!!!

18 Sep, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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