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Do you remember the one you sent me a few years ago ? It's still doing well but no flowers this year yet.

On photo - For Paul


Brilliant Hywel . they look lovely in there , in my favourites

On photo - For Paul


Hi Klahanie...I've fallen for all the photos of your beautiful garden but especially the first orange/red Azalea?


Love this one Balc...


Gorgeous colour!


Looks great Hywel and so many places to enjoy and plants to enjoy under cover. I could really do with some outside places apart from my greenhouse but for now I will enjoy catching up with yours..:))


Super flower Hywel, it must be doing very well..


Thanks for all your comments about my plants :)



My Mauritius lychee is in full bloom right now. It may not produce fruit because it’s such a small tree. Lychee trees can be very temperamental.


It has completely recovered and looks awesome now! I’m hoping for 3 to 5 new flushes of growth by the end of the year.


Hi Kate, we're usually out early or if the weather's bad we wait until the rain stops.....yes there are a lot of open spaces round here.


Thank you very much ! I think I’ll try to get as many off by hand as I can then spray


I’m growing several DA roses in large containers and they are thriving! No blackspot or green fly.


Yes thank you Kate :D She is yet to see snow or a thunderstorm 2 things that never happen here anymore (random I know :) we are hoping to do a lot of trips this year to these lovely places


constant rain has made all the roses fabulous Kate

On photo - Desdemona


Thank you very much, Kate, you are so caring and kind. xx


Look to be thriving, Balc!


Missed this! What an absolute beauty! Spot on Janey - fab colours!

On photo - Orchid


Wow! Spectacular view!

On photo - Mt. Kinabalu


Definitely sad..thanks for sharing your lovely pic.

On photo - Kinabatangan river


Gorgeous colour! Hot orange, loving its exoticness.

On photo - Summer at last


Very pretty aspect here, love the subtle pink colour too.

On photo - Open arms


Very pretty! Loving the cottage garden feel. The roses look gorgeous!

On photo - Desdemona


Lovely trio! Very pretty colours too.

On photo - Three in a row!


Lovely blog, Shirley! Enjoyed your pics, smashing captures. I have to agree, you can’t beat relaxing in a comfy chair in the sunshine, watching the birds and bees, butterflies too…busy busy…
It’s so therapeutic, a joy to see. I’m enjoying a pair of blackies visiting the back garden - I’m sorry your blackies went when the neighbours chopped the beautiful tree down, next door to you.. :-(
We tend to see tits of all varieties, robins, the odd magpie, crow and wood pigeon - although the last 3 are up on the bund. We have visiting dunnocks and sparrows - the latter OH refers to as ‘manky sparrows’. I’d rather a sparrow than a messy wood pigeon myself.
We have a wren or 2. One in particular loves the large umbrella shaped juniper - Eve seems to be annoyed by the little wren - not sure why, but she really doesn’t like it! 😂


I agree with Shirley and Rose! It’s definitely a lovely corner, Karen. It must be really exciting bringing it all together.

On photo - Shadows


I’d be thrilled too, smashing buy, Shirley! Gorgeous colour, and a perfume too..perfect!


Certainly made me smile, Linda! You do have some lovely scenery/wildlife on your walks.


Gosh, that’s a very vibrant azalea, Ange! Looks quite luminous in the sunshine too! Nice accompanied by the red camellia.

On photo - Strong colours


Aw thanks, Paul!!! Yay, it’s finally warm and sunny! Happy days ☺️
Hope April is enjoying the sunshine too!


That’s ok, Rose! I miss things and catch up myself. We’re out enjoying our gardens now - especially as the weather is so much better!
I’m loving Nemesia, I’ve a few now. Really for the scent and long flowering period. Thanks so much for your lovely message. I’m envious your roses are all blooming! :-)
Mine are all still in tight bud
Hope you are keeping well x


lovely photos Kate , Summer finally


Very nice Hywel


I can imagine! A very special, idyllic place to visit.

On blog - Rosemoor may 24


Thanks for the info, Andy. I do hope it recovers and thrives again.
The Mauritius variety sounds like it’ll produce for you - and of course your Longan sounds like it’s the best of the bunch at the moment, especially as it’s a favourite!


Thanks Kate I always find it a very special place to visit this time of year

On blog - Rosemoor may 24


Sheila, a beautiful rose and a very beautiful memory of Steve. It’s hard to think it’s been five years since you lost him, so young too. I’m thinking of you, Sheila, both of you, at this time xx


Looks a smashing collection you have there, Hywel!


Heavens, Davey! What a beautiful blog! Love your pics, absolutely stunning plants you have captured! The blooms are gorgeous, the colours and the forms. You’ve really taken some pretty perfect shots here. I’ve never been, but would love to visit at some point. I’m just enjoying your visit and our ‘tour’ through Rosemoor. I’m not sure I could chose a favourite rhododendron! They are all spectacular!
Although, the purple one keeps drawing me back!!!!
I do hope you thoroughly relished your day out, which I’m sure you did!! The wisteria is looking pretty too.
Thanks so much for sharing!

On blog - Rosemoor may 24


Very pretty combination


Thanks, Davey! This village is very pretty. One cottage used to have the most beautiful and vivid ceanothus! It climbed up the whole side wall - it was the most luminous blue! Sadly, I think it has died back or been cut down now.


You’re right, Eileen, there’s so much around us. The most prettiest of places and countryside to boot! We went out on the motorbike yesterday, up through to the edge of East Yorkshire into North Yorkshire….what a lovely day, the weather was just perfect! Bet you’ve been out and about yourselves!


Thank you both.
Another one for the bin lol


Thank you, Hywel! I’m very fortunate indeed!


Thank you, Rose, it certainly is a lovely journey to and from the people I see. I do love driving through the villages and the picturesque countryside!


Love the trees in the second photo Kate, must be nice driving about this time of the year when the weather is decent


Thanks so much Hywel, Eileen and Ange for your thoughtful comments … much appreciated 🙂.


Cottony Camellia Scale Insect. You can use Bug Clear as a systemic remedy but if you don't have any to hand then perhaps continuing with the gentle rubbing off with a tissue as the shrub doesn't look that big. They do have a waxy coating so a contact insecticide may not work.


Beautiful plants in your garden, Sheila, and I'm glad the rose is a thoughtful tribute.


How nice & orderly they all look & I bet you are feeling very pleased now the job’s done. Now you can get on with the next one, :-).