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Thank you. Callie. I'm happy to hear you like the tree fern! They seem to do well here, thankfully! It sounds like you've really enjoyed being in your garden this weekend, it's so good for the mind and the soul! Look forward to seeing your pics!


Aw that's really kind, Resinone! That's a lovely message! I'm pleased you like the blog, and my lavender comment too! :-D


Thank so much, Sheila! Yes, that particular Aquilegia really is excelling on the rockery!!! Pleased you like, I'll bet yours was pretty lovely too!


Thank you. Chris and Linda :-)

On photo - Evergreens.


A Nandina might fill the bill … colourful leaves all year round.


I just put the tomatoes in the ground and started the pumpkins since the ground is ready. I have seen the farmers around the south side of the island have corn coming up/ As small as this island is, there is a difference between south side and north side, east end and west end of about 2 weeks.

On photo - Marigolds


Ah, thank you Hywel … could I perhaps be showing my age?! You are quite right, Deutzia it is 🙂. I will try to remember …

Would you like a cutting of the Lilac sometime? I gave two friends cuttings last year and they both now have thriving mini Lilacs.


Agree with you Callie ,happens to the wrong people .Her one hour seasonal programmes are so helpful.

On blog - Mini blog


Lovely photos Sheila, dwarf Lilac is really beautiful :)
Would your Diascia actually be a Deutzia I wonder ?


They all look well cared for Kate.

On photo - Evergreens.


Thanks Homebird.

On photo - Acer in pot.


Thanks Homebird, I hope they keep going a bit longer.


Hope they do well for the both of us Homebird. I love fresh runner beans and they're good for freezing too.


Thanks Homebird, I was surprised when the flowers opened.

On photo - Wallflower.


I was also upset to hear the news about Carol, I hope she makes a full recovery, such a lovely lady. i did hear she was looking forward to Chelsea. I wish her all the best also.

On blog - Mini blog


Your tree fern is looking really good Kate and I love your photos.
I have been in the garden all weekend, its nice seeing it all start to shape up and see whats emerging.


I loved your remark about the fledgling lavender ;-)
Yours are just the sort of blogs to tempt me back into goy, not visited for a long time. Beautiful photos..


Yes, it covers the grounds at parks and the sides of the mesas here in San Diego.

On photo - Nasturtium Blooming


Thats such a pretty colour.

On photo - Wallflower.


I shall hopefully get my canes put up this weekend. My beans are in the greenhouse too.


Looking very well Linda.


I only got around to sowing my seed last week. They will be so late planting out. Yours look super.

On photo - Marigolds


Really lovely photo's Kate. I love the pink cones.

On photo - Evergreens.


They look really lovely. I must try the vaseline.

On photo - Hosta collection


That is really pretty Linda.

On photo - Acer in pot.


Wonderful blog, Kate, and lovely photos. I had a similar Aquilegia - not surprised it's your favourite with two delicate colours together!


Yes,you're correct Hywel.Rachel is very much around now presenting and probably will at Chelsea again.

On blog - Mini blog


Thank you both. I shall try the feed first because it was only pruned and repotted year before last. It had been in the same pot for about five years without problem before that.


Didn't Rachel de Tame have the same thing a few years ago ? She seems to be all right now though (although not sure of any details) and I've seen her on GW several times.

On blog - Mini blog


I give it a feed a couple of times a year.

On photo - Acer in pot.


These are over 40 years old and I prune them late Autumn.


Yes Kate, love fried courgettes in butter....

On photo - Cougettes.


I hope so Kate, some of these will be shared with my neighbours....


We only have a small garden Kate, but we do like a few of our own veg to eat. The beans are in pots in the greenhouse at the moment.


I agree Kate, and they have hatched out and are very busy....

On photo - Bee houses.


Thanks Kate, it's very bright...

On photo - Wallflower.


I do agree Hywel...she does come across as a very positive person which will help her I'm sure.

On blog - Mini blog


They look perfect Ams..wonderful grouping.I did the same with vaseline.

On photo - Hosta collection


or give it a good slow release feed. Mine is looking the same and a feed usually perks it up.


I had two of these in pots and they quickly became pot-bound. You could check by turning the pot on its side and prising the plant and soil out. Three options are: root-prune; replant in a larger pot or in the ground.


That's a shock, I hope the surgery and any treatment will be beneficial and that she'll make a total recovery.
She seems a positive person and spends her life in the garden and with nature so that will help.

On blog - Mini blog


We have this one, Ange. It's an attractive addition in amongst the more greener varieties.


Attractive one, Ange. My OH loves these sorts of evergreens.


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I've seen a lot of these 'neglected and please rescue ' areas recently in supermarkets and GC's.


I do like this colour. Very strong.


Very pretty. Love the soft marshmallow pink.


I'm really loving the colour too. Shirley! One of my favourite flower colours.


Chris, it's perfect in every way! Size, shape and perfectly pretty blossoms!


Just gorgeous!!!!


A big wow from me too! That's a fantastic capture, Chris. Sorry I missed it earlier.
A beauty!!!