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Rheum Palmatum 'Tanguticum'


By Simbad

Rheum Palmatum 'Tanguticum' (Rheum palmatum (Chinese rhubarb))

Love the colour of this when the new growth starts.

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Oh yes, that's lovely. I got a Rheum the other day but it's not this dark. I love them though, they are wonderful tropical looking foliage plants. Now I have my shady corner I finally have somewhere to grow one where it won't look out of place!

13 Mar, 2011


Love them!!! But more importantly they love me, lol. All the ones I grew from seed and planted out in tne Autumn survived the dreaded Winter and are all nicely coming up

13 Mar, 2011


lovely Dawnsaunt. I bet you are glad to see them , they look brilliant when they are unfurling!

13 Mar, 2011


Now where did I put ours lol

13 Mar, 2011


Lovely this time of year aren't they, glad yours all survived Dawn, I only have three grown from seed quite a few years ago so sown some of your seed would like a few more, they actually flowered for the first time last year taken around 4 years.
Did your gunnera survive Dawn?
Lol DD sure it'll appear somewhere.

14 Mar, 2011


Thanks Simbad, our gunnera took a hammering this last winter, and again with the frost a few days ago.

14 Mar, 2011


Oh Kathy, all those young gunneras I grew from seed ..... Well they were in the greenhouse all winter and look pretty dead, i live in hope that they will come to life like the big ones do when the weather warms up, fingers and toes crossed. I had plans for them to be set around the pond this year, big sigh. My rheum have never flowered yet, maybe this year :)

16 Mar, 2011

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