Simbad's Profile

About me
Hi, my names Kathy and I live in Lincolnshire with my husband and birman cat (symba), we have 2 daughters 22 and 24 who've both left home in the last year to live with their boyfriends,would say its too quite now but I think we see more of them now they've left home :-)
We built our own house 11 years ago and with a half acre of new garden to fill I started growing lots of plants from seed and cuttings,we have a garden full of perennials, especially love really huge varieties, crambe, macleaya, cardoon, inula racemosa,also love roses and have a bed of David Austen roses but my real obsession is hemerocallis had 186 different varieties at last count,in the past couple of years I've also started growing some lovely crosses from seed kindly sent by the BHHS, sent to them from the USA and distributed to any members who want to try them,I've also been sent seed by a lovely member from Goy of some very interesting crosses , exciting, can't wait till they flower for the first time, we also have an allotment at the bottom of garden so kept pretty busy.
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Joined in Sep 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Lincolnshire