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Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra

Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra (Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra)

This Brazilian Coral Tree rivals Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana for beautiful flowers when in bloom and is in the same family -- Fabaceae. This photo was taken today in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA.

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sooo exotic.....

24 May, 2009



Yes, the flowers do look parrot beaks.

25 May, 2009


Gorgeous wonder how long it would take for mine to get this big.

25 Jan, 2011



Thanks! :>)

It would probably take 30 - 40 years in the ground for your Erythrina crista-galli to grow this large.

26 Jan, 2011


I have only a small garden Delonix so that suits me fine, and in 30 years I ll be dead lol.

26 Jan, 2011



E. crista-galli can be kept small for many years.

27 Jan, 2011


Oh that is great, do I have to cut the roots or keep in smaller pot for that or does it do it naturaly

27 Jan, 2011



Most of Erythrina species here grow in the ground as large to very large trees. I do know they tolerate extreme this is a common practice here. The branches on large Coral trees break very easily...and can be very dangerous.

As a rule most legumes have major issues with their roots being cut or pruned. In some cases it can actually kill the plant or tree.

28 Jan, 2011


Thank you for that Andy, I defientely won't be here to see it grow this big, so now fears, but thanks about the information on the branches and roots.

28 Jan, 2011


That's a beauty too!

5 Mar, 2013


Thanks! Yes, it is a very showy tree in full bloom. This is another tree which is very difficult to capture the true bright colors with a camera.

5 Mar, 2013


so frustrating

5 Mar, 2013


Yes, it is!

Here's a close up of the flower with my new camera.
The flowers are a very bright orange-red.

6 Mar, 2013


does it belong to the pea family or maybe laburnam?

6 Mar, 2013


It is in the pea family.

7 Mar, 2013

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This photo is of species Erythrina falcata - Brazilian Coral Tree, Corticeira-da-Serra.

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