The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Louise1

Somerset, United Kingdom

Is there an Ivy for a small garden space ?

I would be interested to hear of any that are less vigorous/invasive than others as i'd like to grow it as a companion plant in a shrubbery - it will be used to provide colour when deciduous shrubs are bare.



earler this year I bough a small basket with blubs in flower and with the blubs was a small vairegated ive, not a hanging basket' one with a handle to go on a window sill, when the basket was finished I planted the ive with other trailing plants in a window box, I put it in the compus with the other plants when they finished, it looked as I could not kill it, and all through it never grew much, I havent a clue what it's name was.

10 Dec, 2009


Thanks for that Cliffo.
I'll be on the hunt !!!

10 Dec, 2009


Yes - I have one called 'Little Diamond'.... It hasn't grown much in 3 years, about 2'6 " height and spread.

10 Dec, 2009


What is its colouring Spritz ?

In the ideal world i need one that'll grow away quickly to start with, to a maximum of 7' high and then stop at that ;-)

10 Dec, 2009


I shall go and take a photo - just for you!

10 Dec, 2009


I've just posted two photos - I think Hedera helix 'Adam' might be a possibility for you, as 'Little Diamond' is probably too small.

10 Dec, 2009


Choose Hedera helix varieties, they're usually smaller. 'Buttercup' (yellow in full sun) gets to about 6.5 feet, otherwise, Goldchild (pale/dark green), Goldstern (lime green lobed leaves), Harald (green/grey green) all get to about 4/5 feet. 'Minor marmorata' is worth a look (small dark green with grey and white spotting and blotched leaves) gets 6.5 feet.

10 Dec, 2009


Wow, thank you :-)))))
I'll write them down and put them in my purse .... so that they're always available to see.

10 Dec, 2009


And in any case Ivy can be easily trimmed to keep it in shape and to size. We have one over a fence which is cut back to the stems every year and it stays nicely to size.

10 Dec, 2009


Owdboggy is right, Choose the Ivy you want and prune it to keep it where you want it, there are so many large leaved ,small leaved , crinkly leaves ,yellow ,variegated etc.

11 Dec, 2009


Today i had the opportunity to go into the garden centre i use a lot and i looked for Ivys.
I found lots of them too !

They stocked mostly small leaved types - so i guess they're becoming more desired these days.
I bought one, a cream and green one called Clotted Cream. The label says it's height is up to 6.5', so if it reads its label and takes notice it'll be a good height and spread for my area :-)))

Thanks everyone for all this input, it's been very, very appreciated :-))))

11 Dec, 2009


Well done - glad you found one! :-))

11 Dec, 2009

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