Is this a Sempervivum?
By Bigbumblebee
United Kingdom
If this IS a Sempervivum, please could someone tell me the variety?

20 Jun, 2009
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Ta. very much. I wasn't sure.
20 Jun, 2009
It is probably a Sempervivum tectorum variety. There are now several hundred different named Semps. many of them hard to tell apart. especially as they tend to vary greatly in appearance through the year and whether in sun or shade. Best results are from growing in full sun and not overfeeding. They are a very addictive plant to collect.
20 Jun, 2009
Definately a Sempervivum but to me a lot of them look the same, so can't help with which one, would need a Sempervivum enthusiast/expert i think :)
20 Jun, 2009
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Yes. or commonly Houseleek.
20 Jun, 2009