What to do with remaining veggies at end of season?
By Merfyn_james
New Romney, Kent,
United Kingdom
Now then, peeps! It's time to start thinking about putting bulbs in over winter. However, I still have some chillies, peppers and tomatoes remaining in the containers. What's best to do with these - I don't want to throw them away if I can help it. Will the chillies that haven't yet turned red do so if I keep them in a bowl on the windowsill?
16 Sep, 2009
Featured on:
chilli pepper
sweet peppers
The chilies will best ripen on the plant itself, otherwise the flavor and heat is compromised. If they're in pots, just bring them in -- they'll ripen eventually.
Then you can always dry them and either use them whole or grind them up into chili powder!
16 Sep, 2009
Thank you both for your replies. It will have to be a mix of what you have said though, because I have no room to bring the chillies inside. I will have to dry whatever's ready and store them, and the rest I'll have to do what I can on the window sill. I'll stick with your advice on the tomatoes Tulsa. Thanks you both.
17 Sep, 2009
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HI merfyn you can cook the toms in the oven then freeze to use as sauce with spaggeti. and the peppers freeze great without cooking if you slice them, then you have got some for stir frys in the winter. how about that for starters! don't know about chillies but i would think they are the same as peppers.Go on suprise mrs james ha ha.
16 Sep, 2009