Tom Duck's offspring,for Ba,Flori and Pip........
By bloomer
Sorry to see his kids are beakless,but at some stage he must have been genetically engineered.!! Good looking though,but more like mum,I think…:o))
26 Jul, 2010
Previous post: My second home
Next post: How long??
?????...erm.....have I been missing something here Sandra?
26 Jul, 2010
Lol,Terra,well done..I have just counted them too:o))).Why didn't I think of such a great title?..These are the first ones from the outdoor.Tumblers.So sweet,and wish I had grown more than rwo pots now,as the past couple of years they have been disappointing,probably the weather.This year,if the weather didn't look too good at times,I brought them into the Conservatory,so think it helped them to ripen quicker....sorry to say,most of them are no longer,as had them for tea last night.!!!!
26 Jul, 2010
26 Jul, 2010
I think you certainly have,Lou,but maybe just as well,but if you really want a headache ,take a look at Ba's blog on .DUCK TOMATO...not that Ba will give you a headache,it's the rest of us that do that ..Lol.
26 Jul, 2010
Holly,you do right to say,???????????????? Don't ask.!!.:o)
26 Jul, 2010
Alice, you just wouldn't believe it if we told you~honest!!LOL! Nice to meet the off-spring, Bloomer, think their dad would have been so proud, if R hadn't eaten him that is! (Gulp...sob...) He was a good looking, even if slightly unusual, Tom, must have been a genetic throwback I guess! Tasty looking family he has left behind though......You make your dad proud, kids! :~)))))))x
26 Jul, 2010
Ah,there you are,my friend,..I have been a bit busy this weekend too..Nice to be back to a bit of madness,though..:o))
26 Jul, 2010
Bornagain's PHOTO.... 9TH July. 2010.
Number Three...cup of tea...
Number Eight... garden gate..
A number under ... Floribunda... Lol. I invented that one...
Keep up Holly and Alice. :o)))
26 Jul, 2010
: O ))
26 Jul, 2010
I must admit Bloomer, that I was the first to read your blog and because no one had commented I didnt either because I didnt understand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP. Still not sure either ???? Think this is in a secret code !! :0)))
26 Jul, 2010
You say tomayto and I say tomarto ...
You say potayto and I say potarto...
hmmm... could be a code here... we need Flori to explain ;o)
26 Jul, 2010
May I just say one thing to Bloomer ? You really must get out more, love ! : o )))))))))
26 Jul, 2010
LOL all of you.
26 Jul, 2010
Hi Clarice :o)))
26 Jul, 2010
errr whaat...i've been away for a few days ..... it'll take me time to get back up to speed (:-)))
26 Jul, 2010
Welcome back Pam :o)))
26 Jul, 2010
OMG.I don't think I could even begin to explain how we got into this,everyone.It is going to take you ages to trawl through all the misguided comments,and only
mad people will understand.! As Terra has just given you a clue,about Ba's Photo,sorry,I said blog,I do apologise,no wonder you are is entirely up to you,Grandmage,if you really want to go there.....are you up to it ?.and will you ever be the same afterwards ?:o)
Shirley,you are so right,..I DID go out ,Saturday night,and had a lovely time...but obviously not enough,so I am going out again tomorrow night..maybe I will be better then....Will let you know Lol.
26 Jul, 2010
Have just emerged from a darkened room Bloomer, after seeing the 'duck' tomato
and have come to the conclusion we are all nuts on here, LOL, still confused but I have been like that anyway lately !! ]:0)))
26 Jul, 2010
Welcome to our world, may regret delving into it..but only time will tell...hope you haven't to go in the darkened room too often..Lol.
26 Jul, 2010
Only on Mondays, Bloomer !! :0{ )))
26 Jul, 2010
26 Jul, 2010
Couldn't find that blog Sandra....just as well perhaps!!!!!!!!!.....will give that one a miss as those have read it seem awfully confused (well more confused than usual)......haven't been around too much lately....its Brian's fault......he's always wanting to take Betsy out...and I have to go with them to make sure he doesn't go too fast!!.....doesn't do much for my hair though...all over the place it is :-o))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))vroom...vroom....vrooooooooooooom......
27 Jul, 2010
made the mistake of looking at Tom Duck..........
right welll--- ---- who needs the UN--- or the G8 ( or whatevreritscalled) we need GOYNATIONS---- Tt for president and Pip, Ba,Bloomer and all the rest
---- more sense spoken on Goy than all the rest of them--- Tally ho !!!!!
27 Jul, 2010
Bloomer, I hate to say this, but I think the nuttiness is, judging by some of the comments posted on here.....Love the idea of forming a GOYNATIONS though Pam LOL! I second Tt for president!! :~))
27 Jul, 2010
Yeah!!!!.....TT for Lady President......we could all be her acolytes (or We sometimes talk a load of rubbish but its constructive'it?.....:-o)))))))))
27 Jul, 2010
Alice, if it can make someone chuckle aloud, or smile, it is invaluably exercising the mouth and jaw muscles, let alone increasing the feel good factor~if nothing else, that is good enough for me! lol :~))
27 Jul, 2010
Lou,sorry you couldn't find the it was a photo.!! ...I still get mixed up,which is which....should check first...slapped wrist time.Lol..but you are probably right,don't go may be sorry !! By the way,what a tolerant lady you are about Betsy,she sounds like a bit of a goer to me Lol.You just keep your eye on your Brian...Do you like playing Gooseberry?Vroooom vroooom.!!
27 Jul, 2010
Gooseberries...? I thought these were tomatoes ?
Should we nominate this pic for some GoYpedia categories ?
Tomatoes ? Vegetables for Stir Fries?
Vegetables for Salads ? British Birds ?
Gooseberries ? Tomato Blight ?
Autumn Colour ?
False Bananas ? (just found that category)
Lady President... that's LP for short .....
as in Long Playing.... and Low Profile. ;o))) Lol.
27 Jul, 2010
A good title would be " vegetable contortions" would get folk looking at it just to see what it meant...lolo......LP....could mean "Lovely Person" too..! :-o))))
27 Jul, 2010
i'm boggling at false bananas.... and would that be LPTT or ttpl ?
do you remember the 2 ronnies funex ? s vfx !! magic justlike forkandles
27 Jul, 2010
Well thank you Alice ... so kind ... Lol...
Fruit Mutations ?
Tomato Transformations ?
Duck Morphs ?
27 Jul, 2010
Is that the Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town ???
maybe not TTLP but TTFN ;o)
27 Jul, 2010
Ah.....that was fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!such a hoot _0o))))))
27 Jul, 2010
Maybe we could have a GoYpedia category for ...
Phantom Raspberry GROWERS ;o)))
Does anybody know one of those ???
... perhaps on Alice's allotment ?
27 Jul, 2010
I've just picked not a duck-- but siamese twins-- look quite odd from behind-- still " thats life"".........
27 Jul, 2010
Oooh... have you put a pic on GoY... or did you eat them ???
27 Jul, 2010
Bet she forgot and guzzled them
Yes......I do have raspberries on my allotment....they are not ready to pick yet though......ermmm....don't know if I qualify to be a "phantom"....or if I want to
27 Jul, 2010
Welcome to the house of fun??????.....TT,AA,PG.....or Institution as some might call it.......lots of men in white coats on their way......please stop blowing raspberries AA,it doesn't become you..Lol..
28 Jul, 2010
I've turned them into more gherkin chutney so all was not in vain ;~)))
28 Jul, 2010
Good idea,Pam....may all your Gherkins be delicious..Lol.
28 Jul, 2010
thanks bloomer, made some the other week and now 6 more jars-- its nice and the sliced pickled cucumbers-- never had such a good year :)))))
28 Jul, 2010
Pamg has gone over to the dark side...yay I'm sorry to prick your balloon Bloomer, but I'm afraid they are IMPOSTERS! Look at the profile, have you ever studied genetics? There is not even a pimple, never mind a bill. The only conclusion I can come to, is that they are after his, not inconsiderable, estate. Unfortunately for them, it is well documented that our late lamented friend passed over, or rather slid down, before he had experienced all that the love of a good woman ( tomato) could offer, and was in in fact, what we will tactfully call.. ahem..virgo intacto. (male) ;-)
28 Jul, 2010
maybe he was one of the elite--- F1----
28 Jul, 2010
Got it in one Pamg, how clever you are:-) Do you want to join B.A.Travel? I think you are just the sort we're looking for. If the other board members agree, you could find yourself in the forefront of travel technology:-)
28 Jul, 2010
do I have to be mechanically minded--- I can't change a wheel ----
28 Jul, 2010
But can you ride Tandem,Pam?...Lol...or are you far too young to remember that priceless advert?.I do hope you are one of us, know,trendy young things and all that :o))) A very important credential to have on your CV.If so ,I for one would welcome you on board,will it be an 'Aye' from the other members?
28 Jul, 2010
Ba, I think you are so right,now I take a closer look,they are just too perfect....not a blemish in sight..they must be..yes they are.....Trickster Tomato's.!!. I checked for Blossom end rot,greenback,and just nothing....What cads,and having the gall to masquerade as Tom's offspring.....I am put it mildly,and I made them so welcome in my BHS dish too......
28 Jul, 2010
The house of fun? More like the house of horrors, or at least the house of confusion. This pic reminds me of that song
Tem little Tom Ducks went out one day,
Over the hills and far away.
One Tom Duck went splat, splat, splat,
And only nine little Tom Ducks came back.
You seem to be making gherkin chutney out of gooseberries (This is a new one on me.)
28 Jul, 2010
cucumbers Pip-- and peppers & tomatoes all out of the greenhouse! so early this year--- you can have the recipe if you like its great on burgers on the barbie ;O)))
and Bloomer I'm a 'baby boomer'-- does that count born in good old '52
and I remember the tandem and Andy pandy-- even the potters wheel !! alto I've never quite understood the story
29 Jul, 2010
I know not of what you speak Pamg, I am one of Bloomers trendy young things ;-))
29 Jul, 2010
ooerrr !
29 Jul, 2010
I think I am just staying quiet on this one! LOL! It's an 'eye' from me, Pam, or should that have been,'Aye'? Welcome aboard B.A.T, I hope you've got a seatbelt, it can be a pretty rocky ride at times!! Maybe our theme song should be 'The Loco-motion', what think you Ba, Bloomer and Pip? This promotes the idea of travel~ie:Motion, and Loco~well that kind of speaks for itself, and is clearly understandable if you have been exposed to any of the Somerset or Tom Duck posts, Pamg! As to Ba, being a B.T.Y.T........I'm saying nothing!!!!! Tee hee hee! :~)))x
29 Jul, 2010
Gherkin chutney out of Cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes? It gets better and better. Nice to have you on board Pam as we venture into the deepest murky depths of rapier wit.
'Locomotion' sounds good Flori but for we young things of Bloomers' (hi, BA!) it must be 'Not Myself Tonight' - seeing as when I write on here it is 'tonight' for you, and when you are here it is 'tonight' for me....
30 Jul, 2010
morning Pip-- or evening--- as the case maybe! ( just got up and its giving me a headache already) need coffee... need cofffeee
30 Jul, 2010
I was thinking she's mor B.A.B.B. (bornagainbabyboomer ;0)))
30 Jul, 2010
Locomotion...Little Eva....
good name for a tomato ancestor ...
Pip if you are "not yourself tonight" ...who are you ???
30 Jul, 2010
Oh Pam how cruel, but how true lol:-) Hello Pip:-) Ah Terra, how are you? nice to have sensible people on board. If it's an aye from you then Pamg is officially a BAT board member, how say you? Eyes to the right and nose to the left...what a pretty sight we will all make;-) I hope you have all remembered your official positions in BAT ????
30 Jul, 2010
Official positions ?
I'm either President or BATwoman.... not sure... ;o)
30 Jul, 2010
I'm the Rare Australian Pipistrelle - as far as I can remember. Maybe BATgirl.
May I just say that I was a sensible person too once... a long, long time ago.... let's have a wistfulness fest everyone :o)
31 Jul, 2010
wistfulness-- talking to my cousin--another BABB we say we had just the best childhood and teenage years-- after the war & rationing things coming back, so much freedom ---normal for a group of children into the countryside with a bottle of pop & bread & jam not to be seen again until dinnertime and who wouldn't want to grow up in the '60's....
31 Jul, 2010
I've often thought it would be nice to be a kid back then.
31 Jul, 2010
I have been known to have the odd sensible moment you know, you lot~ok, I admit, it's quite rare, I must admit (even rarer since I joined Goy all those months ago!) I think I'm head of Publicity for BAT, or something along those lines lol!
Pam, until I hooked up with Ba and Bloomer, sanity was my middle name, so bewarned, this could well happen to you too!!~Pip used to be normal too, but think her conversion just might be down to me and the Somerset blog~oops, sorry Pippin! LOL! :~))
31 Jul, 2010
Pamg, have you been reading Enid Blyton again? Was there a jolly foolish policeman and a treasure? :-) Hello Pip:-) Flori, who was it threatening to load me into a wheelbarrow at Malvern may I ask...and push me up and down the aisles? Does that sound sensible to anyone? Proof is, I think, on Spritzhenry's blog 'anyone want to borrow my shoehorn' I was totally normal until this happened and the shock 'turned' me. This was well before the 'Somerset' blog:-(
31 Jul, 2010
Well you did have a bad ankle, Ba, and I was just thinking of your comfit and mobility~I thought it was a clever bit of 'lateral thinking' myself, though you would have been more likely to be horizontal come to think of! And there was you worried about carrying heavy plants.....I personally think it was a stroke of genius.....what shall we do for the Malvern Autumn Show, any suggestions????
31 Jul, 2010
did you say there was a photo of Ba in a wheelbarrow!!! and she asks me If I read Enid Blyton .... ;0))))
31 Jul, 2010
Well,now I have resurfaced after all the celebrations this past ,Alison and Thomas gatecrashed at Russell's retirement bash at his lunchtime buffet at work,on thursday..well I did ring hs boss first to see if it was ok, food and wine.mmm...and so needed some time to realise he will now be home each and every day !!...I can live with that..I think.Lol..I can now resume normal service.....I see Enid Blyton is a new twist in our intelligent train of thought..for some reason.?..I had all her Famous Five books..lots of ginger beer..and all that.....So,Pam,lucky you,escaping the rationing, and the dreaded rubber gas masks,sirens and black out never had it so good..:o)) so that sort of makes me a pre baby bloomer boomer..:o)). ..Ba in a wheelbarrow? I think I've lost the change there then..
31 Jul, 2010
went to a Castle in Galloway and they had Real ginger beer and Dandylion & Burdock-- oooh it took me back....
1 Aug, 2010
Oh,I remember them well,Pam, many memories :o)).are we all going to reminisce?...Belaire Hairspray..set like rock.on the back combed hair..Lol..
1 Aug, 2010
dad say ing you're not going out in that mini skirt and mums skirt slowly rising above her knees ( but no further :0)))
1 Aug, 2010
Ba in a wheelbarrow? Enid BLyton in a wheelbarrow? Belaire Hairspray? and (shock, horror) a sensible Flori? I've lost it. Does the Malvern Autumn Show take novelties? We could patent BAT Travel and sell software from $300 a pop...
1 Aug, 2010
If you had no hair lacquer, sugar water sprayed on to your coiffure was a good substitute and once dried, no-one could tell the difference......unless it rained or there were a lot of wasps about:-( I preferred Five Findouters and Dog (Buster) Mr Goon the policeman and Fatty, the leader of the gang lol. I think I'm the only one who read these. Now Pip, I'm afraid you've forgotten just whose invention BAT is, and for your information BAT was patented by me months ago. Having said that, I like your idea re Malvern Show and if you could make it over, I would like you to pose, draped over the body of a computer, (bikini optional) and do your level best to bring in the customers. Flori and Bloomer along with Pamg will be with you to hand out leaflets and explain the technology behind this wonderful PATENTED innovation....and erm...ahem... possibly mention the genius of the good self:-] Terra, if you could bring the boys and one of your poems, just in case Pip in her bikini isn't doing the trick, you could certainly attract the necessary attention. Any more ideas would be welcome. One of our treats as little ones was cream soda with a large blob of ice cream and a long spoon, you could substitute dandelion and burdock or sarsaparilla for the cream soda, I wonder what cream soda was? Pamg, I'm sure you'll love having him home:-)
1 Aug, 2010
Okay... here's a poem as requested... ;o)
Three cheers for Tomato Ancestry...
From Bornagain, Flori and Pip C.
And if you're needing fun and humour...
Look at blogs by our friend Bloomer...
1 Aug, 2010
and if you need cheering
( as autumn is nearing)
just turn to the BATS ...
and Tt.....
((( every time for me.....(;0)))))
1 Aug, 2010
sorry just been picking tomatoes and the heady fumes go to me ! ! ! !
1 Aug, 2010
Pamg has great flowers ...
... wonderful blooms...
... but beware of her poems ...
... when she's sniffed tomato fumes.... :o)))
1 Aug, 2010
Lol Tt you're a wonder,
You wear the Bards hat
But the poem that I need
is one praising BAT ! :-))
1 Aug, 2010
Bornagain's in a tiff ...
... and wants poems pro BAT ...
Is it tomato fumes we sniff ..
... or do I smell a rat ? ...
1 Aug, 2010
or is it a cat?
would dear Conker like that?
especially if..
theres a BAT in his Hat
1 Aug, 2010
BAT in his hat?
Why would he have that?
a pitiful look from lovely Conker,
He thinks he would look a bit of a plonker...
1 Aug, 2010
Oh dear, I've lost it again.
I am being made to wear a bikini.
Maybe Janey could lend me her negligee.
I used to read the Five Findouters too -
And I still do!
We have the whole series.
I know this poem does not rhyme,
but I think it is just fine :o))
Better go sniff some tomatoes ASAP!
2 Aug, 2010
ah,Bikini days of long ago,
I'm better covered top to toe.
I'll go and sniff tomato's too,
much much better than sniffing glue!
(not that I have ever done that,but only thing I could find to rhyme)...Lol.
Poetry not my best subject,as I'm sure you will agree...:o)
2 Aug, 2010
some Bloomer may not agree....
but its good enough for me..... :0)
2 Aug, 2010
I think your poetry skills are fine
certainly blooming better than mine:-)
I have a new idea!!! What about Goy's Got Talent? Terra can be the judge, but nicer than Simon Cowell. We could make a fortune, everyone could travel to the competition using B.A. Travel, what an advert that would be! Terra, are you up for it? Let's have a board vote. Bloomer, Flori, Pamg, Pip (alphabetical order) are you game? :-)
2 Aug, 2010
I could sing-- but thereagain -- we've had enough rain now !!!
2 Aug, 2010
Nicer than Simon Cowell ??? ooh, I wonder ...
All your "talents" must have a garden-related or tomato-related theme ..
play a tune on your forks and spades....
sing "An English Country Garden" ...
Irish Dancing on your decking ?
any more ideas ??? ;o)
2 Aug, 2010
I don't know if I should intercede, my poor poetry skills you might not need,
Terra who had a way with rhyme, can make it up in double time!
Pam, who sniffs the odd bit of veg, tomato based, sits on the hedge.
Pippin, in sultry nightwear poised, helps brighten up the world of Goys.
Bloomer, bouncing babe is she, adds risque humour as you all can see,
And then there's Ba. our new talent scout, getting publicity all for nowt,
but Founder of our wonderous BAT, cat in a hat, and all of that,
oh dearie me, oh what's the use? We've become a part of Doctor Zeuss!
And last but least, there's little me, who chuckled aloud at your poetry.
I get confused, Ba's to blame, I think we're now a new Board Game!!
2 Aug, 2010
How about me singing a verse of Green Green Grass of Home, by the everso famous, Tomato Jones, Terra? Or a little ditty by Gladys Knight and her backing veg, the Tomato Pips??? Just a thought...... Hee hee hee!
2 Aug, 2010
He he heeee ... those are good ones Flori :o)))))))
2 Aug, 2010
very goood... Hmmm ..... thinking--- I may be some time....
2 Aug, 2010
Thank you Terra, high praise indeed from the President! Lol Pam, looking forward to bantering wit with you my friend! Now, after that praise, I've got to work out how I am going to get my head out of the door.....vaseline, anyone???? :~))x
2 Aug, 2010
If we try really hard, we can get this up to 100 comments by the time Pip wakes up... Lol. Then she can give the blog one of her awards ;o)
2 Aug, 2010
Yes, I noticed we were now hitting the 90 plus mark, Terra! Actually I think it is one of your awards that she will donate in your name~she's generous that way, our little Antipodean friend! lol! Bloomer will be well chuffed!!!
2 Aug, 2010
94 ... and counting ;o)
2 Aug, 2010
Ooh, can I be the 95th?? Go on , pretty please? :~))x
2 Aug, 2010
Yes, you can... but you can't be 96th ;o) x
2 Aug, 2010
Well, I'm not fussy.....I'll be 96th plus1 instead....see? I do know how to compromise as well.....ooh this is such fun! :~))Tee hee heee!xxx
2 Aug, 2010
Er, if my maths is right, that makes me 98th....
... he he he xxx
2 Aug, 2010
There you are, a mathematical genius too, I am in awe~well, actually geographically, Wiltshire, but you know what I mean.....I think! Is there no end to the knowledge gained on Goy?? :~))))))))xxx
2 Aug, 2010
Century... over to you Pip ;o)
2 Aug, 2010
99 is my Marigolden oldies.... ( now changed to 101 ) well done folks!!
lonely little petunia ( in an onion patch) by Eartha Kitt
tiptoe through the tulips playd on the Viola
tea & cakes provided by Camellia & Nigella with old Thyme dancing trying to avoid becoming a Wallflower!
2 Aug, 2010
Lol. Pamg ... at this rate we'll reach 200 before Pip finds us :o)
2 Aug, 2010
she'll wonder whats been going on and have to have another lie down to recover ;0)))
2 Aug, 2010
Lol... :o)
2 Aug, 2010
I hereby award Bloomer the prestigious 'Bornagain's flowerpot' award for more than 100 comments on a photo. I believe this is the first time Bloomer has had that honour... well done.
GoY's got talent - hmmmmm. I'd have to think. Hey Flori, can Raffles do any tricks? otherwise the show is sunk before it even gets suggested to the BBC. I certainly can't do anything worth performing. Are you desperate enough to hear my Julia Gillard impersonations?
3 Aug, 2010
I graciously accept the honour you have bestowed on me Pip...I am so the head...I could sing Tulips from Hamster jam,or belt out Geranium
with gusto..or is it Jerusalem?..can't remember...I will have to give it some serious thought,the next few days...,what else would I do on holiday? See you all Thursday...or could be Friday, if the headache has gone by then....:o)) Byeeee! xx.......who the Heck is Julia Gillard?
3 Aug, 2010
Well, Pip, Raff can make a chew disappear in double quick time, and he can snooze for England, but can't help but feel that wouldn't quite be what the judges are looking for.....but we do have the incredible Terra on our team and her truly multi-talented 'boys', Conker and Truffles. I promise you that they will steal the show and go on to make our Terra, an absolute fortune! Bloomer has just confirmed what I have suspected for a while now.....she is most definitely 'touched'. Ooh I remember that joke about Tulips and hamster jam,lol! How can she leave us to go on holiday at such an important time as this??? Bloomer, Your Goy Site Needs You! :~))x
3 Aug, 2010
Oh dear Bloomer, have you been taking too many Broxide or whatever it was, is that why you have a headache? Julia Gillard is our current Prime Minister... shame on you not knowing the political status of your convicts!!! She's famous for having red hair and the world's most Aussie-sounding vowels. (Laaaaydies and geeerntelmen and peeeeyple of Orstraaayyylia, etc.) Who the Heck is Hamster Jam?
Come on Terra! SOS (Save Our Show/Sanity!) Where are your dogs when you need them?
3 Aug, 2010
Lol Pip! Hamster Jam is a somewhat dreadful joke, I thought I was the only one to remember it, but Bloomers does go back further than me.....She's on holiday now, I can get away with slipping that in! Tee hee hee!
3 Aug, 2010
hamster jam-- was it the goodies? or monty python Flori
4 Aug, 2010
Flori, your poem was sheer genius, You can be one of the judges:-) Julia Gillard, ha, I'm famous for having red hair, blonde hair, brown hair and every shade in between (not grey) so she's not all that Pip. Where has Bloomer gone? It wasn't Freddie Starr was it Pam, or did he just eat hamsters?
4 Aug, 2010
think he ate them Ba..........
4 Aug, 2010
GoY's Got Talent ...
My very first photo on GoY ....almost 2 years ago ...
is of my Sheltie vacuuming the lawn...
what other talents can you offer ???
...I'm sure there are lots out there ... Lol. ;o)
4 Aug, 2010
Wish I could remember the joke about the Hamster Jam, but it is lost in the murky bits of a distant memory now unfortunately! If I get sudden recall, I will let you know, Pam!
Ah shucks, Ba, I'm all embarrassed now~but am so pleased you liked my ditty, it was great fun to do, and I so love playing with words! Grey hairs? That's not grey, Ba, it's pure silver and denotes incredible least that's what I tell myself!....Wisdom came to me very early, about 21 in fact, just after I married my OH, I'm beginning to think there might have been a connection between the two events now come to think of!
(Bloomer is spending a few days away in a little institution we know, it was time for her meds to be rechecked, but visiting permits will be issued if you wish them, Ba....).Tee hee hee :~))
4 Aug, 2010
Hi Flori, surely you are a glamourous blonde?? Poor bloomer, I think I'll give it a case they foolishly assume I'm one of the inmates...erm guests. I think you're right Pam. Terra, if Conker competes he must surely win...don't let anyone know he's entering or we'll get no entries and I'm so looking forward to wizzing round the Country (via B.A.Travel). Why I myself might compete....just trying to think of a talent lol:-)
4 Aug, 2010
Oh that's just all the sunshine I have in my life thanks to you lot! But of course, I'm a glamourous blond too, Ba, hahaha! I think they have given Bloomer the room you didn't use last time my friend, but I wouldn't risk a visit just in case your name is still on the door~otherwise we would have to sort out a rescue mission to get you back out, and that would mean I would have to go back in, and you remember all the fun we had with that last time......! We'll get Conker to go incognito, maybe as a dwarf Great Dane~whaddiya think Ba, brilliant or what??? And as to your Talents........ lol! :~)x
4 Aug, 2010
we've only got fish now but the Koi do the high jump quite well and if you count the wildlife the coots are great at 'rabbit chasing'!
4 Aug, 2010
Well so far, we have high jumping fish, lawn mowing dogs, Irish dancing, Pam's singing, Julia Gillard impersonators and Ba's mystery talent. Looking good, everyone.
Hamster Jam? Still don't get it - sorryyyy!
4 Aug, 2010
Amsterdam! tulips from, old song, never heard it myself you understand:-)
4 Aug, 2010
Thought it must be something like that...
4 Aug, 2010
there was this tall thin man called (I think) Tiny Tim? who sang the song in a high falsetto voice and Max Bygraves -- who was a favotite of Mums ;0))---maybe you had to be there Ba but you young things....
have you always lived in Oz Pip or are you an import ...
5 Aug, 2010
Yes Pam you are so right, but my Grandmother tells me that Tiny Tim sang tiptoe through the tulips , not tulips from hamster jam. I've never heard of these myself;-))
5 Aug, 2010
more tulip songs ...
1. Tip-Toe Thru The Tulips With Me - Tiny Tim
2. Tulip Time - The Andrews Sisters
3. When You Wore A Tulip - Bing Crosby
4. Tulips And Heather - Perry Como
5. Tulip Or Turnip - Duke Ellington
.... maybe what we need is tomato songs ...? ;o)
5 Aug, 2010
a white sport coat and a pink tomato ( i'm all set up for the dance)
da doo tom tom tom
i'm a green tomato you're a red tomato have we met somewhere before
when the moon in the sky is a big tomato pie--- thats amore
its my tomato and i'll cry if i want to
oh my beautiful tom -- my great big beautiful tom
thats it i'mm off for a tomato sandwich for lunch..... aaaghhhh
5 Aug, 2010
Brillllllliant :o))) top marks to Pamg :o)))
5 Aug, 2010
Ithankyouuuu ^ ^ ^.....---I took a bow!....
I'm sure theres more fruity ones out there but my brains scrambled at the minute ;~)))
5 Aug, 2010
I'm painting a gate today.. with short tea-breaks ...
and I keep finding myself singing ..
A white sports coat and a pink tomato... your fault.... ;o)
5 Aug, 2010
its 'tiptoe thro the tulips' for me!!! and granny right!
5 Aug, 2010
if you wore a tulip-- a sweet yellow tulip an I wore a big red---tomato--
everytime it rains-- it rains -- tomatoes...
help Tt what have you done ..... tomatoes of Picardy.................................
5 Aug, 2010
Have always lived in Oz Pam! Looks like there is altogether too much fruit here. I have nothing to contribute to the songs campaign.. at all! except perhaps for 'Bridge over Troubled Tomatoes' which popped into my head. That ruined my street cred didn't it!!!
6 Aug, 2010
that trouble could be ' black bottom'--- 1920's song or dance so granny said!
Oz looks an amazing country Pip such size and variation in climate that this 'pom' has trouble getting her head around it!
6 Aug, 2010
Terra, I bow to your superior knowledge of tulips in song, love the title of the Duke Ellington one, I wonder if there are any words to it lol, You too Pam although....erm how can I put this, perhaps your memory is playing tricks and your tomato obsession is getting out of hand. Pip, yes..well..there you are:-)
6 Aug, 2010
had a good year in the greenhouse Ba-- i've probably overdosed on tomatoes again........
6 Aug, 2010
Oh Pam, you have definitely crossed the great divide between sane and barking~it is so good to have your witty company here alongside us~we are proud to have you as a member :~)) Ha ha ha!
6 Aug, 2010
~~~~~~I enjoy all your company too~~~~~
I better not stay too long tonight i'm making pasta and tomato sauce for dinner!!
6 Aug, 2010
Did you know you can buy Tomato Cages... ?
... stops those pesky little tomatoes escaping ....
6 Aug, 2010
Yes, there has been many a ruined dinner thanks to GoY, this is definitely not a good site for Culinary geniuses, less you enjoy Eggy Bread of course! :~))
6 Aug, 2010
love eggybread--- with maple syrup-- yum!--- when I first read it Tt-- I thought you wanted me in the cage-- not the tomatoes Lol.....
6 Aug, 2010
Lol. As a child I enjoyed tomatoes on toast ...
haven't eaten that for ages ! :o)
6 Aug, 2010
grown one this year calld 'stupice' a potato leaved variety and they are ordinary when eaten raw but cooked-- especially roasted with garlic & olive oil are really special, the others are 'cherriola' with 16-18 on a truss and so prolific I have to keep giving them away to keep up--- that enough tonight about toms-- remember the wallace & gromit case of the were rabbit--- think tomato......
6 Aug, 2010
Yipes! A ginormous squelching Tomato stalking our gardens and invading our veggie patches whenever the moon is on the rise! We will have to call on our favourite pair of Belgium detectives, TinTom and Snowy, his canine companion, often referred to as Cherry Tom, when he goes undercover!!
6 Aug, 2010
Helloooo,anybody there ?..yes its the travelling tomato,back from sunny lincolnshire...and after reading all this since I came back,I don't know if I can cope....!!! I may just retreat into my tomato cage...but on the other hand,or vine,..I
missed you after a 24 hour meditation period,to prepare myself for the next bout of madness,I may be ready to venture once more into the unknown..
but are you ready for me,I ask myself.,...don't expect too much ,the next couple of days,as its Russell's 65th tomorrow,so will be busy celebrating,,just to be sociable,you understand,but that's what party animals do....!!!
6 Aug, 2010
Ah Bloomer ...
So nice to know you'll be back with us to explain all these comments...
.. after all, it is YOUR blog, so presumably you understand every word .....? ;o)
6 Aug, 2010
Bloomer, YOU ARE HOME! Oh you have been missed my wonderful nutty friend!! Hope the Institution you were resting in, was up to it's usual high standard, and your meds are re-evaluated and you have stopped baying at the moon quite so much! I didn't realised that you had a cage, I just had a padded room, with Draylon, no less!
Huge congrats to Russel for his 65th, now you just go easy on that Tomato juice, Bloomer, single shots only...... :~)))))))x Missed you lots!!! xxx
6 Aug, 2010
Hi,Terra,Thanks....Was it really my blog? are you sure? It all seems so long ago...did I start it before or after 'compus mentus'? Not that I don't WANT to explain all the recent comments ,you understand,but I would hate to infer that you weren't intelligent enough to fathom out the logic of them..impossible even...
6 Aug, 2010
I tried rereading this blog, and even I got lost....and I helped post comments to it too, which makes it 10 times worse! Terra, ignore Bloomer, I am in the same boat as you my friend.....(and don't even go there, Bloomer!!! LOL! I know exactly what you were thinking.......!) :~))
6 Aug, 2010
Hi,Flori.,my crazy mate..The Institution was first class,but alas,I refused the medication I was offered ,as I quite like being nutty,as you call it..Lol.Will pass on your congrats to Russell,thank you,he is looking forward to the weekend.Another mystery destination for a meal on Sunday,courtesy of our daughter,partner and grandson.....lovely..I will take heed of your advice about single shots of tomato juice...but may be a devil and have a tonic water with lemon,no's nice to throw caution to the wind now and then..Lol.
6 Aug, 2010
Now you just watch out for all those bubbles off of that Tonic water, Bloomer, it can do funny things to you so I! I have missed you my fellow nutter, it's nice to have you back with us again.....have a fantastic weekend! :~)))))x
6 Aug, 2010
I'm home too, I was staying at a lovely place called 'work'...
I sell tomatoes at the shop. Organic ones too! The 'shop' in question is an organic fruit shop, in fact, I'm there now, the computer has been cordoned off not by Clems, not by jasmine, but by a visitor from Minnesota.
Why not try our premium Tomato Tonic, Bloomer? One sip and all tomato side-effects wil dramatically reduce themselves...
It seems that we are all in the same boat, not just Bloomer and Flori. What boat is it though? the Titanic? There may not be Aussie surfers about, Flori, but will being on the same boat as Leonardo Dicaprio do it for you?
7 Aug, 2010
wasn't my fault Bloomer... wasn't Tt's fault Bloomer......
It was the Curse of the Were Tomato glad you're back to protect us........
I'm having a day out and hopefully break the spell, see you tomorrow my friends :o))
7 Aug, 2010
Have any of you looked at ' attack of the killer tomatoes' on youtube? hilarious, definitely worth a look. It was made in 1978 ....ah the good old days...they don't make films like that any more:-)
8 Aug, 2010
Thanks Ba will have a look ah the good old days !!-- I used to love the Ealing Comedies
8 Aug, 2010
Was The Lady Killers one of those Pam? I loved that:-)
8 Aug, 2010
I think so and ' passport to pimlico' ' whiskey galore' and one about a train, give me a minute....... ' titfield thunderbolt!
if they have to repeat things on the tv i'd love to see those again ;o))
just watched a bit of the 'killer tomatoes''.....I may take a pitchfork down to the greenhouse tonight.......
8 Aug, 2010
8 Aug, 2010
Tried to look at Killer Toms, but found several so watched the most idiotic one. Looks like something we would make at youth group Film Night. (Something the leaders dream up to keep us entertained once a year.)
10 Aug, 2010
yes Pip, Ba said it was 1978--- its like a home movei but maybe that was the idea!!!!
10 Aug, 2010
It was a spoof Pam, did you see some of the others?:-)) Pip I looked at loads of 'em, but then I am a bit odd lol :-))
10 Aug, 2010
happy days.... ;0)))),
I did Ba and I think its being a bit potty that keeps us going....8~>.....
10 Aug, 2010
Now what was I doing in 1978 ? Oh,I remember...pregnant,and slept a lot..must have missed these delights.Lol.
10 Aug, 2010
It was the year that I passed my driving test! we lived in a small village that had very few buses and they often didn't turn up, when they did it was an hours trip to work--- and back in the evening--- so driving made such a difference!
10 Aug, 2010
I didn't see it in 1978 either (far too young la la, it was probably an x) Just looked on youtube as I remembered a quiz question about it:-) 32 years ago I was a mere child ha! (Miss Piggy flick of my long blond tresses) ;-)
10 Aug, 2010
this is making me feel old, we were married in '74--- is that really 36 years... can't be .... I wasn't any good at maths and I'm sticking to it....
10 Aug, 2010
So were we Pam,just had our 36th..fancy that !!That Ba is still showing off I see, the tresses are blonde this week are they ??..very nice.I only have common high lights :o)))
10 Aug, 2010
Yes Bloomer, not a trace of grey, don't forget I'm one of your trendy young things. I found the highlights a bit awkward to do (too mean to pay) the last time I went to hairdressers was over 2 years ago, it cost me just on £100!!!! I nearly fell through the floor, but being British...said nothing and used my card:-(
10 Aug, 2010
ours was june 8th Bloomer---HOW MUCH Ba... I can see why you don't go often, mines silver grey, my family has allergies and watching mums face swell ( allergic to the dye) when I was a child frightened the life out of me so I didn't start!-- both mum & gran were my colour the only thing is someone said they could see me coming because of the shine----- I think it was a compliment??
10 Aug, 2010
Well Ba,you will go to these trendy salons so it doesn't damage your street cred,but £100 ??.Do you cut it yourself too ? Is there no end to your talents?
I am lucky,as my sister in law has her own salon,so family get it at reduced rates.otherwise mine would be a DIY job too...So glad the curly perm days are
long gone..oh,all that frizz,and rollers...!!!!.
10 Aug, 2010
How I wish mine would go silver grey,Pam,I think I would be more salt and pepper,hence the highlights.:o)
10 Aug, 2010
looking at mum& gran--- its all in the genes I I just have it cut and that alone is between £ 13 & £18 every month !!
11 Aug, 2010
Well the dye costs over £6 and my hair grows quickly so it's at least every month, and yes, I cut it myself too, but not very well. I've recently stopped straightening it as I'm trying to get it into some sort of reasonable condition, haven't cut it for a while either. I keep trying different looks in the vain hope that it will knock a few years off lol If mine was silver I'd not do anything to it either, but I'm brownish on top and dull greyish at the sides:-( Premature grey of course:-)
11 Aug, 2010
Thankfully my hair has yet to go grey... and I hope it stays the colour it is for several more years yet!!!! It's a weird colour though, I call it 'dragged through muddy algae pond' brown.
I haven't seen the inside of a hair salon for years, literally. I have a simple 'do that just needs the ends trimmed every now and again... that's what Mum comes in handy for lol ;o)))
11 Aug, 2010
oh of course Ba-- mine started in my 20's so I'm pleased I didn't start
I can cut my fringe and the sides a bit but I have the top & back layered so thats not on! everytime they promote the stylists the price goes up to pay for it! but I do get a good cut
11 Aug, 2010
doesn't sound nice Pip but I'm sure you have a lovely colour really! and we are luckier than the men who often go bald!
11 Aug, 2010
Lol! Yes Pam, we are!!
My colour... sometimes takes on a hint of red, and can even look silver when tied back for extended periods... that's just an optical illusion, of course ;o)
11 Aug, 2010
ofcourse dear :0)))
11 Aug, 2010
Hi Pam and young Pip! :~))
11 Aug, 2010
Hi Pam and old Flori!
11 Aug, 2010
Oi! Less of the 'old' Pippin, what you think of as old, is really great wisdom and sparkling wit, don't you agree Pam???
11 Aug, 2010
like good wine we age beautifully (:~)))
11 Aug, 2010
Just a p.s -- i'm having a day off tomatoes and pickling cucumbers instead!!
its been an incredible year for cues, toms and peppers ( not ripe yet) in the greenhouse it can only be the weather!!
11 Aug, 2010
Let's hope I am a good wine!
11 Aug, 2010
If i'm a pale crisp Chablis you would maybe a fine Tawny port, Ba maybe Champagne ( double fermented) and dear Flori a cheeky red with a 'floral' ""nose"" as the critics say!!
12 Aug, 2010
Ooooooooh I like that, but do I have to be brut? :-)
12 Aug, 2010
you can be a 'Dom Perignon' or a pretty Rose champagne called 'demoiselle'--- will that do :0)))
12 Aug, 2010
Champagne I know but Dom Perignon? Tawny Port? Floral Nose? You must remember: I'm still too young for all that!
12 Aug, 2010
I'm TT... so definitely no alcohol. :o)))
12 Aug, 2010
Ah haaa! Very clever, Terra!
12 Aug, 2010
12 Aug, 2010
Elderflower for you then Tt :~))
12 Aug, 2010
ooh I didn't mean that how it sounded-----
12 Aug, 2010
Elderflower cordial you mean? I saved that recipe Pam. May come in handy one day. (If Terra ever comes to tea.)
12 Aug, 2010
Looks like synchro commenting has struck again :o)
12 Aug, 2010
I do but 'elderflower champagne' is good too---
the cordial is a favorite of mine, we're not far from Belvoir ( pronounced beaver) castle and as a moneymaking enterprise the new Duke started a business making cordials from plants in the area called (of course) belvoir cordials, completley natural and very nice too! you see them in the supermarkets now so they seem to do well ( if you ever get a minute google the castle, the views are lovely right across the 'vale of belvoir' very english ;o)
12 Aug, 2010
great minds think alike Pip-- even across all the miles :~)))
12 Aug, 2010
Indeed. We will soon make it to the 'Truffle' award if we keep commenting... from across the miles!
12 Aug, 2010
Isn't Goy ( and the internet) great I'd never have believed you could have such friends and truffle here we come!!
12 Aug, 2010
Definitely a great place to make friends :o)
12 Aug, 2010
Good morning Ladies, It has taken me all morning off and on to read your comments (at work)...Once I started I just had to keep going. Amazing chat and all from Tom Duck :^))))))
12 Aug, 2010
Indeed Annella, it makes very entertaining reading, if you can find the time! I make this comment 199. Who will bring us to the Truffle?
12 Aug, 2010
200 :-))
12 Aug, 2010
Hi Anella-- its the tomato fumes that keep us going--- I thought Pip would be asleep by now!!
12 Aug, 2010
is it really 200--- wow!!
12 Aug, 2010
I look like I'm working when on GOY, it's an art I'm gifted with
12 Aug, 2010
Yahoo! Bloomer, I have great pleasure in awarding you the 'Truffle' Award for 200 comments on a blog or photo. Of course you had a greaat backup team! And tomato fumes! I hope those tom fumes don't count as 'performance enhancing drugs' otherwise we just forfeited the award!
12 Aug, 2010
Whoa, triple play on the synchro commetns!
12 Aug, 2010
What time is it there Pip?
12 Aug, 2010
Over here it is about 9:15 pm... time for bed!
12 Aug, 2010
Nite nite :-))
12 Aug, 2010
As a matter of fact I'm just off now, good night everyone! Enjoy your afternoon!
12 Aug, 2010
nite nite Pip--- you wouldn't get much sleep here we're having a thunder storm and lots of rain!
12 Aug, 2010
I think it's coming my way Pam :-((
12 Aug, 2010
probably has Annella, its rained & rumbled all afternoon!
12 Aug, 2010
I can't believe this has passed the 200 mark...just goes to show how very good we all are at intelligent debate...??? ,sorry,I have been a bit under the weather this past couple of days,sniffling and sneezing.I think it is after shock,realising that Tom Duck is really gone,and all his family too...but I take comfort in the fact that none of them suffered,and the end was quick...and tasty.!! Also, they live on in their new brothers and sisters,who are growing nicely.I think Tom Duck must have had his seeds frozen,so the ancestral line carried on...or was he having a clandestine meeting with another.??..the cad.!!!
12 Aug, 2010
Quick, deploy the F lock!
No sign of storms here! In fact it is quite summery for a winters' day
12 Aug, 2010
feels wintry here suddenly after the storms went down to 11deg. last night--not a balmy summer eve!
I'm off to the south coast on sunday for a week--hope I don't take the cold & wet with me :0((
13 Aug, 2010
There's always someone isn't there BLOOMER who gets their kicks from speaking ill of those who are no longer here to defend themselves. Perhaps BLOOMER you have worked for one of the sleazier tabloids, information which was NOT on your c.v when your applied for your (very well paid I might add) position at B.A.Transport. What have you to say for yourself? Pip, perhaps the F lock would be better deployed on some peoples tongues! where's the superglue when you need it? Chapstick for Bloomer anyone?? Pamg have a lovely holiday:-) Hi Annella, rotten weather here rainy and dull grey skies:-( ( see that's how you talk to normal people) :-)
13 Aug, 2010
nice to think tho' that Tom duck offspring got a Truffle--- their sacrifice has not been in vain ;0))
13 Aug, 2010
It's one way to look at it Pam lol, hope the weather is fine for you:-)
13 Aug, 2010
hmm-- its cold here today -- and raining--- hope I don't take it with me ;o))
13 Aug, 2010
I'm pleased that someone thinks I'm 'Normal' Ba (that doesn't happen very often) ;-))
13 Aug, 2010
Compared to some on here Annella, nuff said;-)
13 Aug, 2010
Ok Ok,Ba,I get the message..trouble is,with SOME people,they can't face reality or the for the superglue,I am sending it to you,and you can stick it on your F lock,and do whatever you like with the chapstick..whatever turns you on.Lol.I might even sneak into your newly re designed garden,and draw a picture of Tom Duck,on every pristine paving stone,so you will never forget him then!!!
There now,you can see that I am completely normal now...dribble,dribble.. By the way,when is pay day??.I need to be buying some shop tomatoes soon.....:o)))
13 Aug, 2010
what have you said Ba--- she's obsessing --- but Buying tomatoes now I know shes ------ badly in need of some sunshine and Real tomato fumes.....:0)))
13 Aug, 2010
Right on,Pam...I think Ba,is trying to get me to resign from my position within this prestigious company,so I am seriously thinking of taking my case to the European court of Tomato rights...or having a quiet word with my minder..Tom Tomato Jones,who will go round to hers in the dead of night,and replace all her paving with Green Green grass..hope she did'nt get rid of the lawnmower !!!..bring on the sunshine and tomato fumes ASAP. :o)))
13 Aug, 2010
Hello again you lot! First of all, the sensible bit, now don't blink, you just might miss it! Have a great holiday Pam, I hope the weather looks kindly on you, but you will be much missed on here, till you return. I will do my very best to keep the 'Girls' in order, but as you can see from the above comments, I don't think it will be an easy task,lol!
Hello Annella, and welcome to our feeble attempt at Care in the GoY Community, as you can see, Bloomer (or sometimes known as Ambidex) and Ba, Pam, Pip and myself, are long term residents, and are beyond all help, including medication! We are relatively harmless though, though you never would think it on hearing what Bloomer is threatening to do with Tom tomato Jones and a set of Paving slabs, in Ba's garden. lol!
Am glad to say that I am now weaned off of the tomato fumes, so am almost the sanest one out of the lot of them!! :~))x
13 Aug, 2010
I'm hoping that a week on the ( very wet at the moment) south coast will wean me off tomatoes although my friend says that she's "" over run with tomatoes""
so it doesn't bode well!!!
I won't be able to talk to you but I'll feed my Goy addiction by dipping in now and again to see whats going on in goyland---
good luck Flori with your task--- do ypu think if the count gets to 300 we get a Crocus award----- miss you all ----
14 Aug, 2010
Hi Pamg ... this blog is just so bizarre ... very funny in a crazy way ... I hope you enjoy your time down here on the South coast ... currently it's drizzling at 8.30am Saturday morning so pack a mac ! : o )))
14 Aug, 2010
will do shirley, thought about wellies but perhaps thats a bit too far!, its pouring off and on here with sunny spells but at least its usually warmer in Hove ( actually!)
you don't have to be crazy to be here Shirley just----- sniff a tomato--- It helps ;o)))
14 Aug, 2010
Ermmm ... I'll pass on the Tomato sniffing thanks ... lol !
14 Aug, 2010
Pleased to see Mrs. Tom on the new pic :o)))
14 Aug, 2010
looking well isn't she :)
14 Aug, 2010
14 Aug, 2010
Well,Flori,Ba,Pip, Pam and Terra...looks like the magnetism is starting to attract other GOYers to take a peek at our long running saga...,Annella,and now Shirley...once in the trap,girls,its hard to get out of it...unless of course,you are completely sane,and of strong minded character...we will see...Think Annella is already in our clutches,but think Shirley may be resilient to our charms..!!!!!
15 Aug, 2010
Pam, hope you have a lovely trip! You will find the 'Conker' award comes at 300, followed by Crocus at 400. I'm thinking of putting 'Houseleeks' in at 500, before 600 and above which is 'Terratoonie' - unless you reach 1000, the 'Millennium Massive'.
The list of crazy contributors on this blog just gets longer and longer, doesn't it? LOL!
Must have a look-see at Mrs Tom :o)
16 Aug, 2010
Don't know about you Pip,but where is this pic of Mrs Tom? looked everywhere...are they trying to confuse me,or playing hide and seek?.
16 Aug, 2010
It's on Ba's pics, she's wearing her Ascot hat, looking very swish... Don't worry, Terra is just trying to confuse us all.
16 Aug, 2010
Glad to hear you met,Mrs Tomasina Tomato, Pip, mum of Tom the departed. You have a bit of catching up to do, Bloomer, lol, hope you found the pict :~))
16 Aug, 2010
I found Mrs Tomasina tomato a ravishing individual, bearing up very well under this incredible tragedy that affected her entire family...
17 Aug, 2010
Tomasina Tom is a stoic veggie of the first degree. She comes from a strong family vine of toms, hearts of pips they have......I am so glad Ba let us make her aquaintance.....a fashion veggie icon in her hat for Ascotom day at the races...!
17 Aug, 2010
Ascotom Day? Sounds funny to me... and shouldn't that be a 'stock' veggie of the first degree?
17 Aug, 2010
I'm afraid she's rather fruity than veggie:-)
17 Aug, 2010
I'm still reading and have been to glimpse Tomasina....
17 Aug, 2010
Well, it was 1.15am, Pip, even my sparkling wit was feeling a bit jaded by then,lol! Ba, I'm not even going to go there.....Lovely to see you here Annella, I think you've well and truly been bitten by the 'Tom' bug now....welcome to the club my friend! :~))x
17 Aug, 2010
Nearly time for me to go home now, the kids control the computer there so I will pop back on tomato (soz tomorrow) to see what saucey comments you've made and ketchup with you all :-))))))
17 Aug, 2010
That is SO BAD! LOL! You will fit right in, to you tom.... :~))x
17 Aug, 2010
I'm feeling deprived or is that depraved Flori, I have no greenhouse and have to buy my toms from Sainsburys.....
17 Aug, 2010
A bit of both by the sound of it, Annella! lol! Last year my OH grew some toms in hanging baskets and it was great to go into the garden to pick them...he didn't do it this year, more's the pity! But if it helps, I am also greenhouseless, and so have to buy from Asda...... :~(((
17 Aug, 2010
No greenhouse here either, just one prolific vine (garden pearl) from makeover Trev and Walsall market is brilliant for fruit and veg at the moment:-) How sensible we sound:-)
18 Aug, 2010
You know that it can't posibly last, Ba! We are just lulling anyone glancing at this, to think that we are dedicated gardeners, being topical, it should fool them for a while.....oh blast! Think I just might have given the game away.......oops, sorry girls! lol! :~))
18 Aug, 2010
Where the heck is Sainsburys?
Where the heck is Trev and Walsalls? Is this some weird english thing?
18 Aug, 2010
They are tomato prisons Pip, you can exchange cash for prisoners. It's quite common in our country.
19 Aug, 2010
There is a Bill going through Parliament as we speak Pip regarding the transportation of troublesome tomatoes to one of our colonies, possibly Australia, as Makeover Trev and Walsalls are very expensive to run. So look out for a glut of British tomatoes, but treat them kindly..."there but for the grace of God" etc :-)
19 Aug, 2010
I thought we were just going to export them over and not tell her, Ba! Sorry Pip, but the Toms are!
19 Aug, 2010
I feel sorry for the Toms will they be treated like the Poms in that hostile environment, I'm in Sainsburys tomoz freeing as many as I can...
19 Aug, 2010
I had better have a quick word with Asda too! lol! :~))
19 Aug, 2010
I live with one of them Flori, they are not like us. He calls his flip flops thongs but we all know what thongs really are (extremely uncomfortable pants) How are British Toms to cope?
19 Aug, 2010
Yes, our idea of putting thongs on your feet is slightly different from his then, though both could bring tears to the eyes though, (with mirth if nothing else!) lol! Think we might need to work on a dossier on how our troublesome British Toms can ajust to fit in with such a hostile land of Rolf Harris's (Can ya tell what it is yet?) and Kylie Minogue's disco hits, and Neighbours Home and away! I just hope our British lads are up to the job!
19 Aug, 2010
Rolf Harris now there's a blast from the past. I used to love that program and for a change Pip knows what we are on about! Tie me kangaroo down sport and all those funny noises he made. The one in my house claims he lived in Nelsons Bay but sometimes I wonder if.......Convict?
19 Aug, 2010
Welllllll.......I will let Pippin answer that one when she jumps online later this evening....that will be her breakfast time over there! :~))
19 Aug, 2010
Errrrr Rolf Harris at breakfast time, poor Pip
19 Aug, 2010
Good luck Toms! Australia is ready and waiting! I have already set up the spare room with plenty of comfy 'futoms', and English breakfast, and a soundtrack of Rolf wobble boarding!
Your wrong about the time, Flori! It's 5:37, and in a break from usual custom I'm about to eat dinner. Wakey, wakey! Did you have a nice lie in?
Rolf Harris is bad enough at any time!!
20 Aug, 2010
A.M or P.M Pip? LOL! You really know how to confuse me....and it takes so little...... :~)))
20 Aug, 2010
Don't let her know about any confusion Flori, and Guday Pip for when you read this :-)))))
20 Aug, 2010
Hi girls! That was PM, Flori, just like our Welsh Gillard! It's now 10 am here [it's finally election day! Aussies are going to the polls!] and 1am over in your neck of the woods I believe.
Guday? Did you mean "G'day, Mayte"?
21 Aug, 2010
Sorry Pip, G'day. I think I'd had a drink to many last night. I see you may have a hung parliament there.That Gillard women is a funny looking Sheeela :-)))
21 Aug, 2010
Have the Pom Toms arrived yet,Pip ? Oz will never have seen the like..superb..get the barbie going...
21 Aug, 2010
Bloomer you heartless women, I rescued as many as I could from Sainsburys on Friday. Mind you, I left all the one from the Canaries to their fate...
21 Aug, 2010
Ah,I secretly made sure there were only the soggy ones left,Annella,so they won't be getting the best ones,and they won't know the difference between our lovely British ones,and the Canaries variety.!!! Keep it quiet ,or Pip will throw a wobbly,you know how she can get, after a few Tinnies, (beers to you and me)
21 Aug, 2010
Oh I know I live with one of her kind, no worries ;-\)))))
21 Aug, 2010
Of course Annella,I had forgotten...:o)))
21 Aug, 2010
They are different, if you know what I mean..
Comment 271 already :-))
21 Aug, 2010
OMG,I can't believe we are STILL going....its unreal..but then again,it is so educational and us anyway.Lol.
21 Aug, 2010
Of course it is :-)))
273 and counting.....
21 Aug, 2010
Heck you two, you're severely misusing Aussie terminology!!!
It's Sheila, Annella, and she looked much better with shorter hair if you ask me!
They are not tinnies either, Ambi, Tinnies are small motorboats, beers are 'middies' or 'schooeys'.
22 Aug, 2010
Crocodile Dundee didn't come with sub titles Pip :-)))
22 Aug, 2010
Too bad :o(
22 Aug, 2010
Look what happens when I leave you lot alone for a while.....Wasn't Crock o Dile Dundee Scottish, Annella??? He made lovely fruit cakes you know! Must be those big hands of his! So I guess now we are intellectually stimulating ourselves with linguistic studies of the Antipoean Climes are we?? Hmm, educational......I did hear a vicious rumour that the British Toms to Oz idea had been squashed, at least that's what my secret Tom sauce informer told me....very! :~))
22 Aug, 2010
Glad to hear about the 'squashing' Pip but our country is going through major cuts at the moment, I think luxury travel to Oz for the Toms has been put on hold.
I also was a fan of Croc 'Mick' Dundee, but I was trying to explain to Pip that the sub titles would have helped me understand how to spell some of their quirky phrases. Nice to hear about the fruit cakes Flori, I think we can all relate to that, Fruit cakes, nutters, lights are on but no ones home etc,etc,etc....
22 Aug, 2010
One brick short of a load, the cheese has slipped off the cracker, and I could go on and on and on.....
Secret Tom sauce informer? I'd better watch myself... in case you blog about 'GoY Big Brother'... I haven't seen any hidden cameras yet, but it can only be a matter of time!
22 Aug, 2010
Hi Honey I'm Home!!
lovely week at the seaside-- bit wet last night on the way home!!!
thats strange-- where did those capitals come from --- thought the sea air would have cleared the tomato fumes!!!
23 Aug, 2010
Perhaps you pressed 'caps lock'? just a suggestion, I am something of a computer expert:-} Hope you had a lovely time:-)
23 Aug, 2010
Hi Pam, it's grear to have you back in the nutty fold! Hope you had a great holiday, and the weather wasn't too have been missed!
Ba, you really are our computer genius....Home....End...and now Caps wonder Bill Gates is a shaking in his boots!
Hello Annella and Pip..... :~))x
23 Aug, 2010
oh yes Ba ---- never thought of that ---- but it must be my age as I don't remember pressing it!
had a lovely time thanks --- we went to a place called Paradise----- its a garden centre and gardens and childrens area near Newhaven lovely healthy well looked after plants bought a really dark Heuchera they had a big choice but my friend wouldn't have the greenone as it looked ' too much like lettuce'. i'll find the name of mine when it stops raining ;~(((
I've missed you all as well and am pleased to see we are now up to 282!!
23 Aug, 2010
Has anyone seen Bamboo's blog??? The Tomato just has to be a relative...
23 Aug, 2010
I have, it's so moving, the bunny toms belong to his sister...I shed a few tears:-(
23 Aug, 2010
AAAAhhhhhhh............dear old tom (sob sob)
23 Aug, 2010
Take heart in the fact that Tom's line lives on.....
23 Aug, 2010
I meant to ask you Ba-- Is that his sister Shirley from Alicante....
or Cherrybelle from Ailsa Craig in Scotland--- you know the one whose brother is that beefsteak Big Boy?
23 Aug, 2010
Did you hear about them on the vine?
23 Aug, 2010
no the web---- boom boom!
23 Aug, 2010
Applause, very loud applause!!!!
23 Aug, 2010
Hello Flori, where have you been? I've just given you an award and you weren't there to see it :o(
What the heck are these two nutty ladies on about? Does anyone know?
23 Aug, 2010
Less of the nutty Pip, and I'm still up because of you! Now a serious question, my Oh to be's brother owns a carpet shop in Sydney called 'Alpha floor systems' (funny name for a carpet shop but whatever). Do you think you could pop in and get a discount for our magic carpet rides. Just mention Derek or 'Skip' as we call him :-))))
23 Aug, 2010
Will do ;o)))))
24 Aug, 2010
won't be long now before Bloomer get her reward!
24 Aug, 2010
Well, really it should be all of us loyal commenters that get the award, but you can't complain!! Can you Bloomer!!?
24 Aug, 2010
Morning all :-)) 297
24 Aug, 2010
Evening all :-)) 298
24 Aug, 2010
didn't know 'dixon of dock green' made it downunder Pip.... 299 ....
24 Aug, 2010
300 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee
24 Aug, 2010
I wanted to do that:-(
24 Aug, 2010
Sorry Ba, I was surprised no one else had already got there. Do you want to do 400?
24 Aug, 2010
Not talking, sulking:-{
24 Aug, 2010
Come on Ba, It's only 94 comments away that won't take long....
24 Aug, 2010
24 Aug, 2010
Hello you lot! My you have been busy whilst I was away getting therapy! Hello Pip! Well done Bloomer on your award, 300 loopy comments, must be a record!
Now Ba, it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile,,,,or is it the other way round? Can never remember,lol! Sorry I missed Bloomers big moment~there seems to be a lot of ~~~~~~~~~going on still, Annella you have a lot to answer for young lady! Nice to be back amongst the nutty fold! Wheeeeeeee!
24 Aug, 2010
Haven't you noticed that I'm not talking Flori? It's Annellas fault, she did 300 and I was going to do that:-[ Tell her off!
24 Aug, 2010
You talking again now Ba? I said Sorry Flori but she went off and sulked :-(((
24 Aug, 2010
Now now girls, play nicely.....I'm sure Annella didn't really mean to steal yout thunder. Ba, put it down to her youthful exuberance....Come on Ba, I'm sure I can see a smile in there somewhere....just a little one....just tugging gently at the corner of the mouth...there, isn't that so much better...Ba, is smiling and the sun is now shining brightly in GoYland again~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeee! :~)))))))X
24 Aug, 2010
tell you what Ba why don't we try to get you to 333, magic number 333----
goon--- oops that should have read go-on! smiles cost nothing and can be passed on easily ( sounds a bit like chicken pox without the spots)
or a yawn, yawns are catching-- even dogs can catch a yawn! but not chicken pox-- do chickens?
24 Aug, 2010
Now that's an excellent idea, Pam! What do you think Ba??? I have two poxy chickens that have moved into my garden, Pam, and they don't even belong to me....they are my neighbours! Have got so use to them wandering around, they seem part of the family, even my dog just looks at them and walks away, and I am forever finding eggs being laid in my undergrowth! lol!
24 Aug, 2010
Eggs in your undergrowth eh Flori, sounds uncomfortable :-))
24 Aug, 2010
It really can chafe Annella!! LOL!
24 Aug, 2010
I just deleted this--- its the vinager its cucumber day!
24 Aug, 2010
ps we'll have to watch it or we'll miss it its 313 already you little chatterboxes :~0)))
24 Aug, 2010
I have to go home soon so may miss 333, don't forget to remind Ba :-))
24 Aug, 2010
Do you think she heard that Annella and Pam? LOL!
24 Aug, 2010
I hope so!
24 Aug, 2010
<<<<<< LOUDER>>>>>>
24 Aug, 2010
just a very small question why is Ba upset ?--- its Bloomers Blog!!
maybe a first for Goy --- a Double Award!!
24 Aug, 2010
I think it's because she wanted to be the first to award Bloomer her 300 mark, Pam, but you know that sneaky!
24 Aug, 2010
No one else seemed to want it, so I stepped in completly unapposed. It's no good sulking hours after the event......AM SO NOT SNEAKY!!!!
24 Aug, 2010
lets hope she gets here soon then!
24 Aug, 2010
Only 9 to go....
24 Aug, 2010
Now now ladies...I don't want any petty little squabbles,and no faces like ruptured custard on here...remember with love our beautiful babies...who never had much of a chance in life,and tumbled down the long tunnel without even having a chance to sow their oats..oops,sorry, pips.Just rejoice and be glad they were here at all....Now,are we all friends again?? Of course we are.:o)))))
24 Aug, 2010
By the way,have you all forgotton to name my award?? I don't see any mention of a special trophy....I am cut to the quick...well,almost.....out of sight,out of mind...sob,sob.May join Ba,and we will go off into the sunset together....then you will be sorry......
24 Aug, 2010
I've decided to forgive Annella, just because I'm so nice, some have said saintly....and to prove it, I'm letting someone else reach the magic number. I don't know if anyone saw when Bill Bailey swallowed The Little Book Of Calm??? Black Books??? no??? Oh well I'm feeling like him:-):-)
24 Aug, 2010
Ba, you put down the nice Bill Bailey, and stop man-handling him, even if he is enjoying it! Nice? Saintly? Probably not the first two words that would spring to mind, but oh so true, nevertheless! :~)) You deserve the 333 award, we've worked so hard trying to get you to take it, you can't possibly give it up now! Just make sure that your acceptance speech on behalf of Bloomer, is up to scratch...mine got a little cut short.............hmmm! LOL!
24 Aug, 2010
Congratulations Bloomer on the second ever 'Conker' award, which I am proud to present to you!!!! Sorry I didn't get here sooner.... I logged off after 298 :o(
Pam, who is dixon of dock green? And what are Black Books? It seems Annella is in them, and me too... I said I'M SORRY BLOOMER!!!!
24 Aug, 2010
Eggs in your undergrowth Flori! How painful! :ox
24 Aug, 2010
Yes, I was a bit 'shell-shocked' Pip! LOL! :~))x
24 Aug, 2010
Hello Flori! You're up late!!! Now mine is 332 I believe, so why don't we wait for Ba now... she might get cheesed off if we don't... so Ba, THE FLOOR IS YOURS :o)))))
24 Aug, 2010
Morning girls, I'm back!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh no!! Whoops,sorry,333~~
25 Aug, 2010
THAT'S IT! You've done it now !!! You.. you ..pushy...p...p...p...potato!!! There now I've said it. I wish I could have thought of something better like prune ha a wrinkly one:-} I'm not talking to you again. Now MY FRIENDS (ie not Annella) Black Books was a brilliant comedy set in a book shop. Can't believe no-one saw it. As good if not better than the IT Crowd! Pip you did what you could, but some people are sooo childish and insensitive, thankyou so much for trying :-) (brave smile)
25 Aug, 2010
ohhhh Annella --- don't know what Flori will say !! :~(((
25 Aug, 2010
Dixon of Dock Green Pip was a british policeman in the'60's whose catchphrase(hadn't been invented then!) was 'evening all' stanning under the blue lamp and giving us a gentle salute--- before ZCars and all these violent copshows-- there were baddies but they had honour amongst thieves( you got me bang to rights guv!)
maybe we need him back .....annella?
25 Aug, 2010
Oh Annella, Annella, have upset the apple cart now...when Ba starts calling people veg, there really is no way back....grovelling might help, but I can't help thinking that you might have pushed her over the edge now....she is giving you black looks, let alone Black Books.... :~(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Lol Pam, I just about remember D of DG, (though I was only a little kid back then) Life seemed somewhat gentler in those days, not that I recall much, I hasten to add...I even remember the theme tune........(But then again I was a gifted baby!)x :~))
25 Aug, 2010
and ZCars---- Fancy Smith ---- to think that Pip missed out on all that! wonder what she had instead ?
25 Aug, 2010
Pip had really cool programs like Skippy! Skippy,skippy,skippy the bush kangaroooooo,Skippy,Skippy,skippy a friend ever true~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am sorry about 333, but do think I fell into a trap set by Ba, she jumped out of nowhere after my comment and called me nasty veggie names~~~
25 Aug, 2010
I do remember Z cars, even use to play the theme tune on my Melodica...blimey, that does take me back, wonder if anyone will remember what a melodica was? Yes, Annella, that was the 'talking' kangeroo~only in Oz eh? Mind you, we did has 'Lassie,' and Flipper and that cross eyed Lion called something or other...I'm getting all nostalgic :~))x
25 Aug, 2010
Daktari!! One of my favs, I used to love Clarence the x eyed lion and I know what a melodica is Flori :-))
25 Aug, 2010
Of course! Daktari, and Clarence~how could I have forgotten that??? Ha haha, after playing the melodica, the only way that I could knock out a tune on the old Piano, was stand at one end of the keyboard and look along it, LOL! As you might have gathered, I never did get to be a Concert Pianist...oh well, such is life!
I also had a Rolf Harris 'Stylophone' and a 'Zither' as well....I gave it all up to play the loss was their gain! lol!
25 Aug, 2010
After killing the recorder for twelve months I gave up, I did want a 'Stylophone' though, still can't understand why my mum always said they were sold out....
25 Aug, 2010
I drove my folks nuts with that stylophone! My OH had a go at playing the Penny Whistle a few years back, and he is no musician!
One day I had had enough and in desperation, I stuffed paper in the end of it. He was a lorry driver then, and that lunchtime pulled into a layby for a bite to eat. He went to toot his flute afterwards and practically blew his ear drums out! I can hardly see the keyboard for the tears of mirth in my eyes, but needless to say, I wasn't very popular, and it took him weeks to ger the paper out of that Penny Whistle! I can still laugh about it years later....
25 Aug, 2010
Oh Annella! Whatever made you do it?
Flori, what are penny whistles?
And what is a stylophone? I mean, I'm probably losing my street cred here as it is an Australian thing - I hope -
What did I have Pam? I had paper, scissors, and stickytape - a kid's best friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 Aug, 2010
And Skippy!!!!!!!
25 Aug, 2010
SKIPPY???? How old do you think I am? Will everyone stop making cracks about my age around here? My parents had Skippy.....
25 Aug, 2010
Sorry Pip , when you talked about the sticky tape, paper and pens i just assumed your age, they were all my favorite things too :-)))))
25 Aug, 2010
Ps I wasn't allowed to play with scissors, I don't know why.....
25 Aug, 2010
YOu're forgiven Annella, people do call me an old soul :o)))
26 Aug, 2010
It's only because you come across as being so mature, Pip, it's a compliment really, lol! You use to moan at me when I called you young too!!! :~)) Tee hee hee x
26 Aug, 2010
Very funny. I'm wiping an overflow of sarcasm from my lips...
27 Aug, 2010
I never said anything 'cos I know you are young Pip:-) like recognises like:-) This lot are just old and cynical:-]
27 Aug, 2010
Ah, but young ones, as Confuchsias once said, ''We, that are advanced in years, are indeed blessed in great wisdom. We are like the mighty Oak tree, and you, little one, are as yet, the Nut. Ah so...'' Tee hee hee! :~)))x
27 Aug, 2010
Oh, ok, I won't pretend to be young anymore then, you're on your on Pip:-):-)
27 Aug, 2010
We are as yet the nut....I like that one!!!!! Ha haaaa! I'm a nut! And the rest of you are gnarly old oak trees! Awwwwwriiight. Does that mean your girth expands with every passing year? Are there bats in the belfry - whoops I meant the branches....... Ooooh I'm going to have a lot of fun now.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
27 Aug, 2010
We are back to the lights are on but no ones home, and I loved the cheese has slipped off one, BUT I must clear something up, I, at 50 am still like a willow.....need water & am a slender shape (oh and vodka!)
27 Aug, 2010
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeee all you want Pip, but I am so not ready for Tennor lady, Ha :-))))))))))
27 Aug, 2010
28 Aug, 2010
Lol :-))))) but so very true
28 Aug, 2010
Don't worry, I'm not making cracks about your age... that's Flori's department, lol
28 Aug, 2010
Are you sure Annella, with all that wheeeeing?
28 Aug, 2010
Lol,Ba, good one,Methinks the girl is a sandwich short of a picnic....I am also a slender not so young thing,no gnarled midriff for me,or my face now you have ironed it,annella.....a bit of coppicing may not go amiss though..:o))
28 Aug, 2010
Which area of forest are we looking at Bloomer, I'm a dab hand with the wax.....coppicing I mean :-)))
28 Aug, 2010
Heard a good one yesterday: we're all good for the 54.....
[the 54 is apparently a famous tram that visits a mental hospital en route]
29 Aug, 2010
OOh,you are awful,but I like you,Annella.. The hair style needs some attention,so could do with a bit of wax on the out of control...till Wednesday,when it will get the "chop".Thanks to you,I won't need the moustache waxing,as had to shave it off,when you ironed my face...all burnt and crinkly round the edges...the beard isn't too bad,so will pass on that..Lol.
29 Aug, 2010
Sounds like you have no more use for my services Bloomer........but have you tried the Peru? (Code for another famous country in that area) :-)))))) Nod,nod, wink,wink...
29 Aug, 2010
Do you mean.... the 'Chile'???!!! Gasp! Using a 'chile' on one's facial hair sounds positively painful ;o))))
30 Aug, 2010
So.You have lost your little side line job then,Annella ?.no I haven't tried "Peru"or "Chile" Pip,!!!.......thought I would wait till I am cruising round the Med next week,and see what the entertainment crew have on offer...plenty of activities to experience on the day at sea...Lol...
30 Aug, 2010
Going off to the Greek Isles are you, keep an eye out for any handsome lads - not that I'm particularly interested but Flori will be... !!
31 Aug, 2010
I miss everything:-( where are you going Bloomer? and no I'm not jealous 'cos I like it better here, I've gone off the sun:-)
31 Aug, 2010
I'm jealous....................
31 Aug, 2010
Me too Annella:-(
31 Aug, 2010
Where shall we go Ba?? Nowhere in soggy Britain though pleeeeeze :-)))
31 Aug, 2010
No,Pip,not the Greek islands, ... Italy,France and Spain....looking forward to it,and ready for a holiday too...I'm sure there will be plenty of bronzed men... for Flori,of course, of all ages...
31 Aug, 2010
Aw,Ba and Annella...if I could fit you in my luggage,you would be most welcome to come along...and Pip and Flori ..naturally..The Famous Five Toms all together,that WOULD be fun...:o)))))))))))))))))
31 Aug, 2010
I am starting to think that I have gained somewhat a reputation here for young muscled hunks, which is SO not deserved you lot! Just cos I mention it in passing now and! If I found one, I'm not too sure I would remember what to do to him now....hahaha :~))
Pippin, 'tis only you I would tease about live far enough away from me that I can get away with it!!! Am a little confused as to why anyone would want to wear Hairy Chillies, have I got the wrong end of the stalk again???
I should have guessed it would be you Pip, to mock those wise words about us Slightly more mature ladies being like an Oak....I was thinking more along the lines of Strong and Sheltering, rather than gnarled and outer girth, young lady!!
Bloomer, I can't believe that you are going off on holiday, and leaving me to handle our motley Tom crew, all on my own!! How could you do this to me? Deserting me most in my hour of need...? Bronzed men? Where? Move over Bloomer, I'm coming with you.....Hey! Where are you going?? Wait for meeeee!
31 Aug, 2010
There you are my friend..where have you been,?..we have been worried about you,...go on then,..pack your case,and see you on the bar.....where the good looking young man is standing nonchalantly at the end,with a Martini,shaken,not stirred one hand,...and a pint of best bitter in the other...
so thoughtful,don't you think..? he obviously doesn't know what you would prefer....Lol..Oh,and by the way..the name is Captain...Captain Bird's eye...!!!!!
31 Aug, 2010
Ooh, Ooh Ooh! I'm so excited, Bloomer, I shall be your guide: See? That's a Ship...And it has two ends, Aft and Port, talking of alcohol.....hehehe! You can really see just how useful an aid I can be, can't you?? Bloomer? Bloomer. where you gone? you can't leave without me.....:~((((
31 Aug, 2010
Oh yes I can......I suspect you will keep telling me the ship is listing,side to side,and could it possibly be you instead ? ...Go on then,you can still come,as long as I can list with you...and I don't even drink...but I can pretend...Tonic and lemon looks so much like Gin or Vodka,so that's ok...I used to,but as am diabetic,I gave up...not really missed it,as wasn't a big drinker anyway...but I still have fun.:o))
31 Aug, 2010
Now I'm really jealous Bloomer, I love Italy (I like France and Spain too) and I'm a good sailor. You should just take me, I think Flori gets over excitable and her tag could cause problems at the ports :-))))))
1 Sep, 2010
Don't be so silly, Bloomer, that's just caused by the water, even I know That! Must add less to my alcoholic beverage of choice...Tee hee hee! :~)))
Annella, that tag of mine just shows others where to send me if I get lost or is NOT electronic!!! Moi? Excitable?? I'm as cool as a Cucumber, I will have you know Missy...even under stress on here...!! Take me, take me, Bloomer, that sneaky Annella trying to slur my good name!!! Must be all that vodka....tee hee hee! :~)))))))))))))))))))))))))))x
1 Sep, 2010
I don't think I need to say anymore Bloomer........
1 Sep, 2010
Should I ask as to what you are implying Annella??? LOL!
1 Sep, 2010
Mmmmmmm now let me think Flori.......
1 Sep, 2010
Blimey, I can hear the cogs whirring from here..... Don't overdo it Annella...!x
1 Sep, 2010
I'm saying no more Flori so Bloomer will know who to pick, the sensible thinker or the raving looney..................I think I have made my point dear :-))
That deserves a 'Nah nah ne nah nah' at the end...
1 Sep, 2010
I'm confused again:-( are we going on a cruise with Bloomer? Should I pack my long sleeved long legged tankini? Are we on the pull? Have I time to get my wrinkles filled before we go? Ooooh I'm starting to get excited, we could call in on Terry60:-)
1 Sep, 2010
The Tankini sounds nice Ba :-))))
1 Sep, 2010
Aw shucks thanks Annella, I knitted it myself:-)
1 Sep, 2010
Please tell me it's stripey, you can go anywhere in stripey ;-))
1 Sep, 2010
Well,I am really in a quandary now..who shall I select to spend 2 weeks with?...
It is so hard....Will it be youand tag,Flori,in your Vodka induced state,? .Annella ,is it you? with your love of Italy,like me,as I know you will appreciate the delights of Rome,Florence,and St Margherita,but as you say you are the sensible that what I really want on holiday?,..and then we have you,Ba....
The knitted tankini sounds to die for,and will go nicely with the fetching orange lifejacket,at 8am the first day at,if you fall in,it will keep your feet warm,should you fall overboard,as I have heard they stretch very well in water...but will it drag you under with the weight.? I won't be jumping in after you...On reflection,I think I should take all of you,and it will show everyone what a diverse selection of characters we are,and I am sure you will not be sensible for the whole two weeks Annella....Promise? get your wrinkles done Ba.,and if you haven't time,.Annella will help in that respect,or she could bring a travel iron you want to look your best,if you are going on the pull.. Is there anything you need Flori ?.or should I dare to ask?.You may like to do a "chilean" on your facial moustache before you leave,unless it already on your passport,and PLEASE don't try and smuggle your hip flask,through security.....welcome aboard.!!!!
1 Sep, 2010
I am not touching her facial hair Bloomer, we all know I was talking about 'The Brazilian' which of course I will have done for this holiday, but that is as far as I am prepared to go.If Flori is coming she can wax her face alone. Do you not think Ba would be a risk in her tankini....How will we explain that she didn't make it home because of her swim wear?
On a lighter side I have been to Rome twice before and would be a very good tour guide, also I could show Flori the best bars to wait for us in (the safe and cheap places Bloomer, she would be ok just man spotting by the sound of it or we can leave some cash? It's up to you)
What time do we leave? looking forward to it!~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wheeeeeeee
1 Sep, 2010
Oi what about me? you never mentioned me did you Bloomer, you old oak - how are you going to fit your gnarled girth into that fluoro orange tankini? Will you even want to? The Boat Police will be along charging you for inappropriate exposure of bodily flesh, and Annella will be quivering wonderinng if it will be her next, Flori will be explaining why Bloomer looks like an oak ("We were all having this conversation about memorable quotes, you see, officer") and Ba will be sneaking up behind with a pair of knitting needles, preparing for a modern day Agatha Christie, featuring Hercule Poirotom, called "Knitting needle murder on the Mediterranean express boat"
Me? I'll be the one in the caftan, wandering aimlessly by with a good book, shooting curious looks at the TYT about to stab a police officer in the back, pretending I haven't seen any of you in my life before!
1 Sep, 2010
Oh,so sorry Pip,...You hadn't mentioned you wanted to come along...but of course you can come....You won't be shouting "Hello Sailor" at every man on board will you ? We are very British on holiday,you understand,and you will need some nice black socks to wear with your sandals,a knotted handkerchief to wear as a sunhat,as we we are very practical,and frugal,..why buy a proper hat to wear for a minimal time throughout the year ?..of course,you will probably have a proper one,and they do help to hide the face a bit....The caftan sounds very you...and it will hide your branch look alike legs...for the boat police,you understand..if I have to cover up my gnarled girth,..well,enough said.!!!.See you at Palma,Majorca,...boat sails at midnight,Tuesday...if you are delayed,you can swim to the first port of call,...Civitavechia,for Rome...arrive there Thursday am...don't forget your tele tubbies suit ..may be jelly fish,.etc.:o)))..We will be hanging over the side to haul you aboard....or not,depends if you look presentable enough.we have standards to set you know...!!!!! x
2 Sep, 2010
'Yasoo nafti', that's Greek for 'Hello sailor'.......Useless bit of info as your not going there Bloomer :-))
2 Sep, 2010
Who told you that? it so doesn't...I hope you never said it out loud Annella:-o I've been to Palma, had some very nice food there:-) Pip, as if we'd go without you..all for one and one for all, just like the muskateers, even the same moustaches. We'll look after you and shield you from the advances of any handsome foreign Romeos...they'll have to get through me first don't you worry, then all the others. We'll never desert you Pip McCawber:-)
2 Sep, 2010
Is Annella being a naughty girl again,Ba ?...if so ,we may have to think again.!!
Are you going to behave Annella ?If not, your moustache will have to come off ,and then you won't be one of would be so lonely on your own...
By the way,muskateer buddies..this is comment 398...!!!! here we go again...who's turn is it for 400 ??
2 Sep, 2010
Well, there was I thinking I was the one with the loose plot, but catching up on all your posts, I still think I must be the sanest one out of the lot of you! Tankini? Isn't that a Sherman artillery vehicle used in war zones? If so, why is Ba wearing a tank, or is Tankini its smaller version?
By the way, the Vodka's for Annella, I prefer the white grape myself, always a lady don'tcha know...and my facial hair just fine thanks, it took me forever to get it looking this good, thank you very much!!
Guess the next post has got to belong to Bloomer, so she can receive her 400 award from our unofficial award antipodean queen, Annella, behave yourself....The floor is all yours, Bloomer my friend........ :~)))x
2 Sep, 2010
Is it me ????????????????????
2 Sep, 2010
Ooooh sorry I think it might be me, again.....
2 Sep, 2010
There's just no controlling you Annella, what ever shall we do with you? Now you upset Bloomer, and you won't be cruising with us my girl, so better start grovelling mighty quick if I were
2 Sep, 2010
I didn't read the end of the penultimate comment Flori, I am really sorry xx
2 Sep, 2010
Well I forgive you, but as to x
2 Sep, 2010
I feel sort of confident about Bloomer, I think she likes me...
2 Sep, 2010
Ohhh darn I was going to do 400, you beat me to it, I do wish you wouldn't....
Bloomer, I am proud to award you your first Crocus award for 400 comments on a blog or photo :o)
2 Sep, 2010
Good morning,Flori,Annella,Pip and Ba, where are you ? its 5.30am...rise and shine!!...See how upset I am Annella ,as couldn't sleep,crying all night because you stole my moment of glory..Sob,sob.But now I see the light of day,well,not really,as its still dark,..I forgive I know you don't have a lot of excitement in your life,so you are welcome..just this being a benevolent kinda gal,but just watch your back when we get on board,my dear....can you swim ??
So sorry you missed out Pip,but maybe next time.Some people have to always be in the limelight,...very sad,one has to feel sorry for them really...Thank you so much for awarding me a crocus,.It means a lot to me,and would like to thank my Producer,Director Family,Tom duck,his kids,.The Brazilian,The Chilean.and so many more who have made this award possible... I couldn't have done it without you...and even though the award may wilt and wither with is a flower,..isn't it ? I will treasure the remaining stalk forever,and promise not to flog it on Ebay...or is it a bird? In that case I will tend and feed it with love.....
3 Sep, 2010
A lovely speach Bloomer, BUT I would like to think that I am good at being in the right place at the right time , you should see me when the sales are on, quick or what!!??
3 Sep, 2010
LOL Annella....
it was my pleasure Bloomer :o)
4 Sep, 2010
Thank you Annella...Glad you have got your priorities right, you get lots of bargains might find a Tankini like Ba's if you get to the sales
I'm sure it was Pip..:o))))
4 Sep, 2010
That's the only way I will get one Bloomer, I can't knit.......I knew you wouldn't be too angry at me, hows the skin peel coming on? You should be wrinkle free by Tuesday :-)))) Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~
4 Sep, 2010
How could I be angry with you Annella,all for one and one for all....Lol.
Skin peel is looking good...gave it a rub down with a brillo pad,and just made a face pack with chip fat,,,should be ok if I get thrown overboard ,and have to swim will protect me from the elements..Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to you too.:o))
4 Sep, 2010
Confession time...I can't knit either:-(
4 Sep, 2010
Oh Ba I like you more and more with every confession :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))
4 Sep, 2010
I can little fibber,Ba,there was I thinking you were so talented...I shall take my needles with me,and knit one for each of you,after all, what else is there to do?.Lying on a sunlounger,sussing all the talent up for you lot,when you arrive...discreetly of course...behind my new glasses,with transition lenses,..and wait for it ..they are Purple..!!.I decided this was the way to go,following the quote "when I am old,I shall wear purple".Lol....
5 Sep, 2010
But Bloomer, I thought you were a tyt, surely not ready for the Joseph purple philosophy...and I thought I was coming with you, I've packed my tankini (knitted by an friend, see confession) :-) There's lots more where that came from Annella;-)
5 Sep, 2010
Well I can finger knit if that's any help, but not a lot of call for knitted fingers nowadays......:~((( Are you going early to suss out the lie of the land, Bloomer? Great idea, you get it sussed and we'll be straight over, care of B.A.T, and our Managing Director, Ba......think she is looking to expand the business abroad...astute business woman that she is....Pip is working on building up the Company in Oz, and Annella is...well I'm not sure what Annella is doing to be honest, but I know whatever it is, she will be doing it well....What a well oiled machine we all domination here we come....Tee hee hee!! :~))))))))
5 Sep, 2010
Annella is talking about magic carpets Flori..tell her off:-)
5 Sep, 2010
Annella, now that the peace talks are settled, Janey's Magic Flying Carpet Company have now joined B.A.T, as a merger, so no scuttling off to another Company now....they will just pull the rug from under your feet....and you'll upset your friend,Ba...and we can't have that nicely girls.... :~)))
5 Sep, 2010
Of course you can come with me,Ba,we are leaving UK at 8am,so see you soon.I am still a tyt,,in mind if not in body,,and they are quite a trendy style that befits my I. can see better..don't want to miss anything..Lol.
I will suss out everything for you,Flori,and will reserve sunbeds for all of thats 4 extra towels then,,,oops,I don't mean you need 4 Flori,but for the reat of the girls...bring your own suncream..:o))
5 Sep, 2010
Can I still come????
5 Sep, 2010
I am not old, so why should I wear purple??
6 Sep, 2010
Annella,.can't you count ,woman? ..4 extra sunbeds,,I for You,I for Flori,1 for Ba,and 1 for Pip.....duh! ..see you on board..Lol.and Pip,purple is an option,not a necessity,as you reach the golden wear whatever you like,my dear...I'm sure you will look..stunning in any colour...see how mellow I am becoming in my old age..? don't think it is really 'me' though.:o))
but I do try sometimes..!!
6 Sep, 2010
Annella may need extra towels for her little problem or at least an extra thick one, do it surreptitiously, we don't want to embarrass our friend:-)
6 Sep, 2010
There is nothing surreptitious about me Ba, loud and proud! (but not damp)
6 Sep, 2010
I am most definitely keeping out of this conversation I think! LOL!
6 Sep, 2010
Hello Flori :-))
6 Sep, 2010
Why hello young Annella, I have missed you.... :~))
6 Sep, 2010
I've missed you too Flori :-))) I was looking for a little support from you on Ba's comment about me....I can assure you my tankini has no need for double knitted areas, please tell her..
6 Sep, 2010
Honestly, you two are as bad as each other! lol!
6 Sep, 2010
Is that a 'no' then Flori? I'm too young to have those sort of problems (I have lots of other problems but I wont go into them now)
6 Sep, 2010
I am, as of Switzerland, neutral territory, I am also not daft! lol! You two big enough to sort it out between you.... :~)))x
6 Sep, 2010
Can I burden you with some of the other probs then Flori!!!! LOL Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6 Sep, 2010
Annella, I'm sorry if I've made a mistake...I thought Flori said.....oh well, never mind, my mistake I was just trying to be's my fate to be misunderstood:-(
6 Sep, 2010
And I'm sorry too if Flori has been misleading you Ba, but I am watertight on that front, even when I laugh, jog, cough, sneeze, bend down, get surprised suddenly, do the wild thing etc etc etc....:-)))))
6 Sep, 2010
Are you implying that I would tell porkie pies, Annella? As if I would!! Obviously very good Sealant that you are using....
Ba, are you trying to put words in my mouth? I'm a good girl I is.... :~))))))xLOL!
6 Sep, 2010
Ihope you've got the right sizes for these tankinis Ba! Otherwise we'll all be turning heads!!!!
7 Sep, 2010
They've got long sleeves and long legs Pip, perfectly respectable knitted garments, and yes we'll certainly turn heads:-)))
7 Sep, 2010
Am just wondering if it will be for all the right reasons though, Ba.... :~)))x
8 Sep, 2010
hoever heard of a long sleeved long legged takini?Right... that's done it.... I'm never going on a cruise with you lot ever again... and HOW loose is the tension of that wool?
8 Sep, 2010
Well, it has got to hold certain bits in, Pip, so I guess it would be pretty tight!
Do you think you might some street cred hanging around with us then....? lolx
8 Sep, 2010
I think that must have been a rhetorical question - but I don't think I've got any more to lose anyway....
8 Sep, 2010
Oops, sorry, there should have been a 'lose' inbetween 'might' and 'some' there are on a gardening site my friend....with all us ancient old oak trees, whilst you still only a saplin.....but this street cred thing is much over-rated you know.....hahaha :~))
9 Sep, 2010
I'll have you know young Pipkin, everyone will be wearing them next year!!! I have a factory full of grannies busily knitting as we speak. This is the fashion arm of BAT....BATrends. Now while Bloomers away, I just want to say that I think we've been overworking her, what with having to supply all the nibbles at our BAT board meetings. Solution?? Have a look at Hildadorissen's new pics, I haven't stopped drooling. I have just found out there's a recipe page on here, doh, didn't even notice when copying Shirleytulips plum cake recipe, I've made two of those actually and am half way through the second. It's a hard job but someone's got to do it. I'm going to have another slice with a cup of tea when OH gets back with dogs:-))
9 Sep, 2010
BATrends sounds good Ba, but are the Tankinis Shreddy????? Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~
9 Sep, 2010
Well Annella, I did poach them from you know who (is poach the right word? doesn't look right, sounds like I cooked them) and they're jolly good workers, don't need much money either as they have those massive state pensions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee t
9 Sep, 2010
OMG Now Sanbaz has one of Tom's relatives and she is torturing him!!!!!!
9 Sep, 2010
I'm going to sort it out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wheeeeeeeee
9 Sep, 2010
Huwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee up Ba it looks painful~~~~~~~~
9 Sep, 2010
I feel I must say something:
12 Sep, 2010
Don't tell me your'e ashamed of us ma petite pomme de terre? We're your mates, the Aussie ones are your imaginary friends, don't forget what the doctor said:-)
12 Sep, 2010
Pomme de terre? that does mean 'potato' you know.. in french... did you actually mean to insult me?? Booooo Hooooo nobody likes me......
12 Sep, 2010
Sounds nicer in french though, and I'm very fond of spuds, and we all love you Pipkin even though you are ashamed of us:-)) Anyway, how do you know we wouldn't give you tremendous street cred if our true identities were known?? I will drop a little hint, think of a day between Friday and Sunday, Flori has already hinted that she is a singer....the rest of us have stayed silent on that subject but....oh and we're all gorgeous too:-))
13 Sep, 2010
I don't know about you Pip but I'm excited!!! Am I really friends with a famous girl group??? Oooops now you know I'm not one of them........I used to be gorgeous a long time ago :-)))
13 Sep, 2010
Annella, you don't have to pretend. I've already let Pip know who we know you are one of us too, bagsy I'm the prettiest:-))
13 Sep, 2010
Go on then Ba :-)))
13 Sep, 2010
I know! You're really Kelly Rowland!
14 Sep, 2010
How can we all be Kelly Rowland Pip? what a silly you are. It's just possible that you haven't heard of the Saturdays? weare all so gorgeous and talented, you are lucky we bother with you, never mind you being ashamed of US huh :-P
14 Sep, 2010
Ummmmm......The Saturdays in Tankinis...
14 Sep, 2010
Yes indeedy, long sleeved and long legged, we can pull it off Annela:-)
14 Sep, 2010
Maybe if I pulled my bobble hat over my face and wore high heels........just maybe..
14 Sep, 2010
Don't be silly Annella, that would look stupid:-(
15 Sep, 2010
I don't know what I was thinking Ba......
15 Sep, 2010
Me neither:-)
15 Sep, 2010
Your right, forget the high heels wellies would look better :-))
15 Sep, 2010
Ahem... the Saturdays..... I've always said old people's music needs to be outlawed!!
15 Sep, 2010
Well hello there Pippin! I hope you can duck well after coming out with a comment like that, 'specially as Ba and Annella think they are part of Bloomer's TYTs! As to me...just who are the Saturdays? I'm still with the Spice Rack girls.....! LOL!
15 Sep, 2010
Thought you might have been more into the Beverly sisters Flori :-))
16 Sep, 2010
Oh come on... I want soemone to say they're secretly Hayley from Paramore.... oh hang on, that's me!
16 Sep, 2010
Hayley from Paramore....well I for one am impressed.... Anyone??????????? 8-[
16 Sep, 2010
Tee hee... we TYTs must stick together, because we are the only ones around here who know all these 'cool' bands... lol. Right?
16 Sep, 2010
I love Paramore....hear it all the time at home and my daughters seen them 3 times now. Unfortunatly she has to copy Hayley Williams hair trends :-)))
16 Sep, 2010
I want to be Lady GaGa....
16 Sep, 2010
Oooooh you beast.... would've gone Gaga... but the theme is band members here! Stick to the topic!!
16 Sep, 2010
Debbie Harry then...that's Blondie Pip in case your too young to remember :-)
She's one of Hayley's idols
16 Sep, 2010
Oh right.... you've outTYTed me on that one
16 Sep, 2010
Who is Paramour???? Ba, I'm with you on this one! Isn't that a film studio somewhere? I would be the Beverley Sisters, but me, myself and I just couldn't agree on who should sing lead vocals Annella! lol! Hello Pippin! :~))x
16 Sep, 2010
Paramore is a very famous 'cool' band... for the TYT's..... I wouldn't expect you to know them Ms. 49
16 Sep, 2010
Does 'Cool' mean they live in a fridge, or do a gig next to the freezer aisle in the local supermarket then? a feeling the answer is probably no to Pc,so I guess I will just have to take your word for! :~)))x
16 Sep, 2010
Don't worry Flori, you will always be younger than me :-))
16 Sep, 2010
Hey what's a few months among friends, Annella? We are as young as we feel.....oh boy,167 coming up then! lol x
16 Sep, 2010
Years or comments? Lol
16 Sep, 2010
Years you fool! Hahahahahhahahahaha!
16 Sep, 2010
Don't even go there Flori! I'm enjoying 50 at the moment not sure I want that Tutenkamen look yet :-))))
16 Sep, 2010
Everyone's younger than me:-(
16 Sep, 2010
Ba even you can't be at the King Tut stage yet + you sound very young :-)))
16 Sep, 2010
I'm 84 Annella, are you coming to Malvern? I'm meeting MY friend Flori there again:-p
16 Sep, 2010
Now I think your fibbing Ba!!! I would love to go to Malvern but have some family probs at the mo which mean I need to stay home. Maybe next year :-)))
Are you really wearing leg warmers? Although I can see how they help when you are older but still have visions of the dancers in Fame....
16 Sep, 2010
They match the tankini perfectly Annella, which, incidentally, is what I'll be wearing for Malvern. Sorry to hear you have problems at the mo, hope they sort themselves out soon whatever they are. Yes I will be meeting Flori and we're going for a cuppa too so there:-p In spring, Spritzhenry, Louise, Flori and I all met up at Vicky's Malvern exhibit (she won another gold) if you look at Spritz's blog 'anyone want to borrow my shoehorn' you will see I am telling the truth.......and that was how the Saturdays was formed:-))
16 Sep, 2010
Wish I could go to Malvern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(But the Sydney Easter show is stressful enough lol)
18 Sep, 2010
You could BAT over Pip and go home after the cuppa if we stress you out:-)
18 Sep, 2010
Good idea :o)
19 Sep, 2010
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