By Uma
Ukraine, L'viv,
Please, help to identify a bird...
Sorry for a bad quality picture made through the window...

7 Apr, 2010
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non british garden bird pictures
Just googled it and you are right! Thank you very much, Scotsgran! Never seen this one in our garden...
7 Apr, 2010
I am glad I was able to help. She is very lovely.
7 Apr, 2010
Thanks again, Scotsgran! :)
7 Apr, 2010
We had a black redstart in our garden a couple of weeks ago too. It stayed pretty much all day, swooping between the five rooftops. Never seen one before either, and haven't seen it since.
They live in city centres according to the books, so maybe it was on it's way back north! I live near Bath.
I took some great pictures too. :-)
7 Apr, 2010
Hi, Onejuniper! Welcome yo GoY!
Hope she'll make her nest near our house...:)
Please, you can share you pics with us!
8 Apr, 2010
Lovely little birds! We're knee-deep in them here in our village. When we first encountered them, unidentified, we referred to them as "clicky-birds" because of their habit of making a clicking sound while executing a little curtsey. I would say that this Black Redstart, with white flashes on the wings, is a mating male - very territorial like Robins - and we frequently see fights and chases as one chases another from "his" territory. The females don't have the wing flashes.
8 Apr, 2010
You are right Nariz I have just been on the RSPB web site and I used the bird identifier and it clearly shows the white rump patches on the male only. I have never actually seen one but I am familiar with the Redstart which is its more colourful cousin.They breed in North Wilts. so not too far from Bath, Onejuniper. Welcome to GOY. Have you forgotten to click submit because you have no photos in your slot.
8 Apr, 2010
Thanks everybody for your information! Today I have seen a pair of these birds - male and female in our garden. They are lovely!
9 Apr, 2010
yes black redstart .fantastic
11 May, 2011
A pair of them lives near our garden, Pete, but they are usual guests in it. :)
20 May, 2011
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It is a very attractive bird and the photo is not that bad. It could be a female black redstart. Is it robin sort of size have a look on the RSPB website.
7 Apr, 2010