I have just managed to get an acer taylor! does any one know if it has a japanese common name?
28 Apr, 2010
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acer trees
thanks for your reply moon grower! i was hoping it would have japanese conection, i heard it may be called geisha gone wild, so wondered if any one could say for sure, i have others like full moon, green dragon, so much nicer than plain old taylor, dont you think?.
28 Apr, 2010
Wel they are all of Japanese origin, this one is, I assume, a cross created by Taylor and has been in cultivation 5 years. Most of the Japanese acers don't have fancy Japanese names. Checking 'Taylor' grows to about 10 foot in 10 years,s not a big acer.
28 Apr, 2010
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Its 'proper' not common name (which is what you used) Liverbirdain is Acer palmatium Taylor.
28 Apr, 2010