By Colchrispip
United Kingdom
I have a slow growing Acer Palmatum Atropurureum Japanese Maple - had this for approx. 9 years moved it from S.W England to Western France for 6 years, however having returned to UK last October with my Acer back to S.W. England - leaves have returned as with every year but also what looks like petite flowers of same colour deep maroon as leaves BUT leaves not opening and drooping and appearing to be dying (it has been very wet here for over a week now - could this been reason, do I need perhaps to re-pot - I desperately do not want this lovely Acer to die
14 May, 2010
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acer trees
Hi Bamboo - can you describe the symptoms & cure for 'vine weevil'??
25 May, 2010
You will find fat white grubs in the soil at the roots, though by this time of year, they've probably hatched out and gone, so look for small beetle like creatures on the plant. Biggest indication is that, when you turn the plant out of its pot, there won't be any roots left, or nowhere near as many as there should be, because the grubs have eaten them. Watered on nematode solutions are very good, but too late for spring application - if you think that's the problem, buy Nemesys and water onto the pot/s September.
26 May, 2010
Thanks for your helpful and kind replies.
I have repotted my beautiful ~Acer into a larger pot and have moved it around to the back garden which is south-facing and not such a wind-tunnel.
It has since "picked-up" with leaves opening out etc....
We have had a colder than normal winter here in North Devon, England and I think it may have been reacting to the move from a warm temperate climate of South Western France to North Devon. UK
Thanks again
27 May, 2010
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Not likely to be rain, much more likely cold - April was unseasonably warm, but May has been unseasonably cold - it may be that the burgeoning leaves are wilting having been caught between the two extremes. Give it some shelter if possible and hopefully it will recover over the next few weeks. Otherwise, check the roots for signs of pests like vine weevil and any other signs of infestation or disease on the stems.
14 May, 2010