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Viburnum plicatum 'Pink Beauty'


By Andrewr

Viburnum plicatum 'Pink Beauty' (Viburnum plicatum 'Pink Beauty')

No, this plant is not misnamed. The flowers start white but turn progressively pinker as they age (but seem to spend a long period a muddy colour). It also produces a reasonable crop of red berries in autumn. Eventually makes a large shrub ten feet or more

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I have the V. is usually lush with huge leaves and large flower panicles like these but this year they are much smaller...I think because of excavations near the roots...I love the large brachts on the perimeter. They are also covered with red fruit...but the birds don't like it because it is so bitter.

4 Jun, 2008


I have just purchased a V. plicatum tomentosa mariesii. Do you have any advice about pruning this specimen and how quickly does it grow? The flowers look very similar to yours

18 Apr, 2009


I've had this shrub for twenty years and it's probably reaching maturity now Andrea. In 'Mariesii', the flowers stay white; on 'Pink Beauty' they start white and turn pink as they age. I don't prune this at all

18 Apr, 2009


Quite slow then!! I loved the leaves on this plant before I looked at the label. Another purchase from the Botanical Gardens.

19 Apr, 2009


Sounds like you'll have your own Botanical Garden soon Andrea :-)

19 Apr, 2009


Here's hoping, just bought some Echium pininana Snow tower, Pseudopanax Lessonii Gold Splash and Purpurea. I have a 150 ft by 30ft garden to fill, I need all I can get!!

19 Apr, 2009

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This photo is of "Viburnum plicatum 'Pink Beauty'" in Andrewr's garden

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