Vicky1's Profile

About me
I love gardenening
Never have enough time to do it though as we work on our horticultural nursery most of the time
Mad about heucheras
but love most plants
We have a national collection of Heuchera and Heucherella
I grew up on a nursery which my brother still runs he is a plant breeder - Fred Yates
We have a small nursery.
We attend a lot of shows around the country most of the RHS shows some plant fairs
We are doing Chelsea again this year where we hope to get another Gold medal, but you never know it is so hard.
We also have a website where we do mail order.
Richard and I also do talks and nursery visits for clubs so that takes us to meet even more happy gardeners:)
All this takes up loads of our time
Any time that is left is spent following our son Tom 19 who plays basketball at an academy in Florida at the moment.
Oh and I forgot a little time for our poor cat that gets left a lot during the summer. He gets lots of cuddles and strokes in the winter though :)
The collection and nursery is open to visitors in the season but by appointment only