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Monstera deliciosa - Split Leaf Philodendron

Monstera deliciosa - Split Leaf Philodendron (Monstera deliciosa - Split Leaf Philodendron)

This is located in Balboa Park next to the little International house of Puerto Rico.

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Well I'm going through pics crab that's why I have the question cart before the answer horse! sorry!

14 Apr, 2009



This is a young Monstera deliciosa - Split leaf Philodendron. They can grow very large...they can grow up at least a 30 foot tree. I have an older posted photo of this plant used as a very large scale ground cover.

15 Apr, 2009


Wow! ground cover? will have to look that one up! Thanks!

15 Apr, 2009


Yes, it is used as a very large scale ground cover at the San Diego Zoo...covering very huge areas under trees. I may post the photo again.
Keep an eye out.

15 Apr, 2009


Will do...

15 Apr, 2009

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