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By 230338
swam (sorrey) made my way to my Greenhouse and got the photo,s below. Could,nt do a great deal as it began to rain heavy. My gnomes Pinky and Perky were almost floating off on me and Lucy vanished very quickley. Managed to get a message to my good lady on intercom " Can i have a sandwich please" the replie was “You send the boat And i,ll get Tiny to row it to you”At this point i declined to replie. My fav fuchsia on first photoits leaves are turning yellow and i must treat it. Greenhouse staging and pouch plants next. Take care enjoy
14 May, 2011
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feeding all plants once a week but going to try to treat the soil although its a long shot. Thankyou sixpence will let you know the results.
15 May, 2011
Thats a great idea some soils are nt as good as others. Will look forward to the results.
15 May, 2011
Whoohoo Tiny! A Pirate ship of your very own! Next project for the man of the house is to get him to make you a wee skull and crossbones flag to run up the flagpole while you're out on a sandwich run!
Your plants are looking fantastic, really healthy and growing away like mad. That pouch looks as if it's straining with the weight, can't wait to see it in bloom!
Your fuchsia might be a bit wet, I know both of us haven't had much sun to evaporate any extra away, or it might be short of magnesium, which can happen when the compost gets overwatered, try a level teaspoon of Epsom salts in a couple of pints of water. The same thing happens to tomatoes a lot.
17 May, 2011
thankyou Libet for good tip but please dont put idea,s into Tiny,s head. My thoughts are seeing him wave his little wing as he fades into the sun on the ship i made him LoL. takecare.
17 May, 2011
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Poor Tiny having to row a boat, hope it did nt sink less next time we ll be talking to a skelington, all is growing well I see, Fuchsia s like a bit of shade have you tried feeding it.
14 May, 2011