Garden Plants
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- Evolvulus pilosus
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Popular Plants
(Calluna vulgaris) -
Potato Vine
(Solanum jasminoides) -
Black-eyed Susan
(Thunbergia alata) -
(Berberis thunbergii) -
Common box
(Buxus sempervirens) -
(Camellia japonica) -
New Zealand cabbage palm
(Cordyline australis) -
Bleeding heart
(Dicentra spectabilis) -
Tree echium
(Echium pininana) -
Christmas rose
(Helleborus niger) -
(Ilex aquifolium) -
(Lonicera periclymenum) -
Heavenly bamboo
(Nandina domestica) -
Virginia creeper
(Parthenocissus quinquefolia) -
(Abelia x grandiflora) -
Japanese maple
(Acer palmatum) -
African blue lily
(Agapanthus africanus) -
Witch hazel
(Hamamelis x intermedia) -
Climbing hydrangea
(Hydrangea anomala) -
Lily of the valley bush
(Mahonia x media) -
Christmas box
(Sarcococca confusa) -
(Skimmia japonica) -
(Viburnum x bodnantense) -
Common jasmine
(Jasminum officinale)
Buying guides
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If you're looking for a plant with a purpose or to fit a theme, try our planting guides.