By 230338
Weather was excellent birds were singing , Lucy was asleep on the lawn, and Tiny was hugging our lounge window jealous at not being able to get out. And i was again under my brolly on the patio confused whether to sip my iced lemon or bite my creamy eclair. Decisions ,decisions anyway i think the birds were willing me to decide as one of them took a bath in our fountain and another attacked a feeder quite violently . Ok i decided what to do so i took a bite of the eclair, disaster disaster very bad move , unknowns to myself the eclair was for my good lady. I was supposed to eat one of two choc biscuits on the plate. Not my fault i apologised but alas it fell on deaf ear,s. My good lady stood her ground and threatened never to butter my toast again at breakfast. Such under arm tactics were devastating. In response i took my better half to dinner it was great. Motto here is i think know which side you breads buttered on (LoL) . Take care enjoy and good gardening.
7 Jun, 2011
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Lol! The thought of Tiny 'hugging' the window has just really tickled me! So, poor thing, you were in the bad books for swiping a bite of your good ladies eclair? I have to confess, given the choice...I'd have munched it too! Except, chocolate gives me migraines, so both of your treats would have been safe enough, from me at least! That was very sweet of you to take her out to dinner, you're a very kind soul!
Lovely to hear you've got good enough weather to sit out, the rain has been thumping down in stairods here, I was down at the patio beside the greenhouse, emptying out water from the trays holding the plants I've been hardening off, and they were absolutely overflowing! Incredible! Maybe it'll be better weather tomorrow and I can do something outside, or maybe I sow some biennials, in the greenhouse, I want to grow some apricot coloured foxgloves again, they're such a pretty colour! Enjoy your garden while it's sunny, you never know, you might get a visit from turbo tortoise Fred!! Have fun!
Ps...your gorgeous basket and hangers of petunias are looking just superb, beautiful plants, beautifully grown!
7 Jun, 2011
Poor Tiny stuck indoors whilst you enjoy a snack alfresco, if you`d eaten my eclair you wouldn`t be offered any toast let alone get it buttered, I think you got off lightly there, lol...
Your baskets are looking very pretty....
7 Jun, 2011
Lovely healthy looking plants you are going to have a mass of colour there:)
8 Jun, 2011
hi billdingsite Thankyou for the compliment. I feed plants twice a week but there are quite a lot to open up yet. Hob nobs yes used to be one of my favs until my good lady caught me dunking them in my tea. Alas they no longer are on our shopping list. Take care enjoy.
8 Jun, 2011
shiver me barnicles its our Elizabeth! My hands were tied it was dinner or i could have starved (LoL). Rain hit heavy today but it did both lawns good. Thankyou for plant compliments elizabeth like yourself we try our best at growing but its been a struggle with the weather this year. We have had one or two good days but not many. Sounds interesting with the Foxgloves Elizabeth ,beautyfull plants i tried them 2 yrs ago and had quite a good show. My life is bleak elizabeth as Fred turbo , Nelson ,and Scooby (the twisted wood pigeon)are at present not to be seen. However i have Lucy and whatsits name the yellow peril Tiny fluff ball as reserves. I typed a small e mail last night and Tiny erazed several letters in temper by pecking my backspacer. Good fortune i noted the change before i sent it. Take care elizabeth and i wish you luck with the foxgloves. Tony
8 Jun, 2011
hi lincslass Blimey your thinking on the same lines as my good lady. I did apologise and am proud to declare all is forgiven. Thank you for the plant compliment and i shall never eat another Eclair again (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
8 Jun, 2011
Thankyou Nana D Most of my plants are yet to appear but i will post pictures when they do. At present concentrating on my Tomatoes i wish they were better. Take care enjoy . Tony
8 Jun, 2011
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Your baskets/pots are all looking very healthy, so far i've only got one flower about to come out on my petunias.. All that talk of a chocolate eclair has made me hungry now so i'm gonna reach for the hobnobs...
7 Jun, 2011