Things moving in the pond!
By Cannizaro
Because I’m now the proud owner of a ‘proper’ garden in the country, as opposed to my previous postage stamp in London, you’ll have to bear with me if I get excited at the things that you all probably take for granted. I moved into my new property mid-August last year so therefore everything was up and running, so to speak. Then I only had about 6 weeks before the days began to get chillier, etc. Anyway, the weather in Dorset today was overcast, mainly, but warm. I decided to sit out near the pond and just take it all in – which I still do on a very regular occasion! Something caught my eye between a clump of unknown-to-me aquatic plants…baby fish!! A nursery of fry! Lots of little coi darting in and out between the leaves of my unknown plant. I haven’t seen the adult fish since last summer and began to think they hadn’t survived (despite people assuring me that it was still too cold for them to come to the surface). Oh! The joy! Not only that I have thousands of tadpoles too! And, at the moment, I love them equally too! I saw a butterfly fluttering briefly near the bluebells too. Tell me, will I ever get complacent about Mother Nature? At the moment, the answer is No!
5 May, 2008
What a lovely surprise for you - I bet it made your day! By the way, I went to an open-air opera performance in Cannizaro park a while back - my daughter sang in it! Yes - a lovely place.
6 May, 2008
Irish - maybe you should play them romantic music?!
My pond lilly reached the surface of the pond for the first time today, so I understand your excitment, Cannizaro!
6 May, 2008
lol aye sarah it probably doesnt help with me standing looking in at them..... ill give them some privacy tomorrow
6 May, 2008
te he he he he ...... they're shy...... x-D
6 May, 2008
The day I become complacent with the wonders of nature will be the day they put me in a box !! Driving into our local town can be hazardous as the view of the mountains, or the wild flower filled verges draw the eyes away from the road.
Enjoy your patch of nature
7 May, 2008
congrats Cannizaro, wish my fish would breed, every yr i think it will happen .
6 May, 2008