A Gorgeous Spring Day!
It’s been cool each morning the last week. A little too cool to go sit out on the patio – but great for drinking a cup of coffee while watching the birds outside the window. The sun is shining, all the birds are actively searching out the feeders. Yesterday, we even had a visit from the area’s Pileated Woodpecker. Now mind you, I’m glad to see him. He’s gorgeous. I like the fact that he enjoys our suet feeder. However, if he’s going to be an occasional guest – I’d appreciate it if he’d follow the rules. NO HOLES IN THE TREE!! Not little holes…..gigundous holes!!
Well, anyway. It’s a beautiful day that God has provided. How anyone could attribute the beauty and order of it all to some random explosion is beyond me.
We finally finished the front new garden bed. Here is a pic. http://media.growsonyou.com/photos/photo/image/18863/main/000_0028.jpg!
We’ve planted Jacob’s Ladder, Dwarf Bleeding Hearts, Praying Hands Hosta, Painted Fern, and of all things StripTease Hosta (now how’d THAT get in there?). All seem to be doing well.
It really adds a punch to the front of the yard.
I’m pretty partial to the Hosta. Hosta is so easy to grow, so easy to transplant, so forgiving!! I Love it. Gave some transplants away last week. Still have some more to give away in a few days.
29 May, 2008
Next post: Weekend Ritual
That's an interesting word! Not in my vocabulary...LOL
29 May, 2008
I use " humungous " a lot :)
29 May, 2008
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Welcome to GOY Connie... Enjoy the beautiful weather and oh yes, Pileated Woodpeckers sure do make gigundous holes :)
29 May, 2008