I do love the Autumn colours…
Nature has its own beauty.
I wrote a poem about autumn…
searches through my poem collection in my documents folder….
Aha i found one of my Autumn poems and it’s quite a deep one, which is about the cycle of Life and seasons…
Take a Gander >>>>>
Poem Title: Mother Earth~Autumn
Autumn, has wrapped us in her blanket
Each leaf, fallen from a tree…
Depicts a moment in our lives,that has slipped on by
I have never known, the time to fly….
As now ; At mid-age of a lifetime
Why is it, that we reach for a falling leaf?
Is it to capture, that lost youth?
Kicking our feet, through the heaps of crisp autumnal foliage
The rustling sound, brings comfort to our senses
Inhaling that aroma,which brings back to us…
…The memories of autumns past
Too soon, the mass is mulch and becomes unsightly
So too, the years of wrinkles ; Our excused laughter lines
Trees become bare ; As do our arms of loved ones
Need, is not a word that comes to mind
Fortitude is the key to realism
Our children grow up, before our eyes
Once fragile seedlings, are now thriving trees
Branches stretch out but fledglings nest further away
Distance the enemy…
Separating us, from our Loved ones
Time moves along briskly, with the seasons…
Born into Spring…
Which season, will be my last ?
When my time is up….
Mother Nature, can take me, into her depths
To nourish the seedlings, of the earth…
As i once nurtured my young, at my breast
Take me in my sleep…
I admit to being scared, of taking my last breath
Heaven or Hell ?
We’ve all done Right and Wrong
Those of us, that learn by our mistakes…
Live again in Heaven?
Evil goes to where they feel at home
Birth and Death
Beginning and End
Here comes The Season of Winter….
By Karen
26 Oct, 2008
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More blog posts by GardenOgre_ess
Karen - very moving. Thanks for sharing it.
26 Oct, 2008