Garden Update.
By Hamish
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very pleased with the garden this year.
Raised beds have been productive, Broad Beans, lettuce, Beetroot, sweetcorn, courgettes & marrows plus tomatoes all doing well.
Am trying a new pumpkin, supposed to produce small pumkins suitable for micowaving. Will let u know how I do.
Tried these jute bags for potatoes, just lifted first one, enough for 2-3 meals for 2.Also growing runner beans in jute bags complete with frame to which other sticks can be attached, got 6-8 beans in two bags, looking good.
The flower border is looking good as well with herbacious plants so should have good autumn display, clematis have and are in flower so feeling pretty good about things.
Think I’ve got the hang of patio gardening, well maybe :-)
slugs and snails of course, really miss the Thrushes, dont c many about in Somerset, whats it like in your patch.
However my mate martin had a different pest on the allotment, a Maylasian brown snake that had been dumped by some one, unfortunately it did bite someone, non-venomous but scary, so he called the RSPA who took the snake away along with a grass snake and a slow worm, at least their safe now.
29 Jun, 2009
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I'm glad your vegetables are doing well. There's nothing nicer.
Glad the snake was caught too :o)
29 Jun, 2009