Backyard Gardening
By Joy
We are about to move house on 3rd October…will be leaving behind a thriving allotment and taking on a small concrete back yard that faces east..with a shed and a medium size front garden that at the moment is covered in black plastic and gravel. the plan is to take up all the gravel and use it to cover the concrete in the back to create a mediterranean sort of plot and then dig up the front to create a small veg and herb plot. Not too bothered about lots of flowers.
My main concern is the cat who has been used to a back garden full of herbs and hiding places as well as a bird table to stalk. So now he will only have concrete out the back which is enclosed with high fences. So where is he going to go to the loo???? Was thinking about having a big shallow box of old compost for him to use outside. He has never been keen on using a cat litter tray in doors. Any suggestions?
26 Sep, 2007
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Aren't cats a bit adventurous? He might well decide for himself, and go off over the fence to find his own secret place for his new loo! You could try the provision that you suggest - but hope he doesn't 'go' next door...:-( (Hope the move goes well)
27 Sep, 2007
That's what I thought he would as I have never seen him use our garden as a loo yet..... now isn't this the major complaint of the 'cat hating brigade' ?
28 Sep, 2007
Our neighbours' cat visits every now and again, not for the loo, but twice I found him digging in the pot my courgettes were in - that was before mal-treatment got the better of the plants.
28 Sep, 2007
I think you may have to make friends with your new neighours as a priority - hold an 'Open House' or a 'Getting to know you' party, and then they can't complain too much if the cat does visit them! (lol)
29 Sep, 2007
Back garden is totally enclosed with high fences and solid gate. Am thinking about putting a cat flap in the fence as we have at this house...Only three more days to go till moving day...Last chance to look at the alottment. Rent is paid till January so will enlist a friends help to collect all the reusable stuff like compost bins, water butts, wheelbarrow and dig up the Jerusalem artichokes. Am very sad at having to live my big pond as it has given me endless hours of 'pond watching' fun and water for the foxes to drink.
30 Sep, 2007
Good luck on the move - my cat was very old and couldn't climb over our walls in the end and I put out a tray with newspapers at the bottom and a bit of soil but also a little lid (you can buy cat trays with lids) and this is what he used. You may find he'll find what he wants to use, dont forget to butter his paws before you let him out the first time (melted but cooled butter gets licked off which puts scent on his feet and then he should find his way home easier)
30 Sep, 2007
Apologies in advance for not replying to any more comments....Virgin Media cannot reconnect us untill Thursday 11th October so will have withdrawl symptoms by then as husband is disconnecting and packinga way all the techie stuff tonight.
1 Oct, 2007
Hooray...we have moved house...what a trauma.. finally got the internet 'activated' again after hours of phone calls to India at 25p a minute...husband reckons we have spent hundred pound on getting the telvisiona nd internet sorted out...all thanks to a virginmedia technician who messed up the reconnection. we are not pleased.
We also learned yesterday that previous owner neglected to pay his council tax, his water bill, his gas and electricity which may explain why we had two debt collectors round last week. Husband manged to get the gas and electric sorted by faxing through a letter from solicitors. Council tax OK, now working on the water company.
The cat gets let out tomorrow. Son in law is coming to fit the cat flap in the back door. Don't know what he will make of a totally concrete back garden.
Front garden is workable with and with a friends help i am collecting my compost bins and tools from the allotment tomorrow. However, can't find all my seeds, they have been put some where safe...haha What should i be setting round about now?
17 Oct, 2007
Has any one any idea on how to get rid of the smell of cat and dog pee from laminate flooring? The small bedroom seems to be the worst affected and there is a large stain in one spot which we presume is where all the soiling has occured. Have a feeling that the flooring will need to come up and the lining replaced. We have scrubbed all the walls and rest of floors with some industrial strength cleaner and sanitised but the smell still any suggetsions??
17 Oct, 2007
Have planted my first crop....broad bean seeds in a alarge planter. My mini greenhous eis up too ready and waiting for next years chilli plants. Been to the allotment today for the last time. took my husband as it is quite a trek. We cleaed the last of the crops, lots of leeks, fennel and the last of the 'spring onions'...and a baby squash. Found a happy home for my huge new water butt and the last of the compost bins. Everything else has been cleared out, the shed is empty apart from the spiders. Had a big cry but am now looking forward to planting up lots of tubs in the back garden. Have dug over the front garden but have decided not to really fill it with plants until the double glazing has been put in and the roof mended..they will only trample over everything.
There is a big un neutered ginger tom next door who has been bullying poor Walter. Not much I can do about that,they are bound to have a scarp sooner or later.
27 Oct, 2007
Hi again! Hope the actual move went well and that Walter soon settles in. Have only just found your continuation of previous blog. Can I suggest that you start a new one, because it sounds as if you have lots to write about and ask and people don't tend to look back at previous blogs!!! Sorry about smells and stains in laminate floor, haven't a clue apart from what you've done already. you've got plenty to do in your new home and garden by the sound of it. Which County have you moved to?
28 Oct, 2007
ah, is that what i should do, each topic/question I start a new blog??
28 Oct, 2007
Hi Joy, that's what we tend to do. When you write a new blog it goes to the top of the list so more people will see and read it. But, there are no hard and fast rules :)
28 Oct, 2007
Hi Joy, Good luck with the move, sounds like you've got some busy weekends ahead! Not sure about the cat I'm afraid.
27 Sep, 2007