Judi's Blog - Jan 29th 2009
By JudiRumble
.Well a long gap between blogs but here is the latest. I haven’t been able to do anything out in the garden since before Christmas as the builders have taken over the garden. I keep telling myself that it will all be lovely when they finish but it is hard as I watch them trample on my flower beds and stack their bits and pieces on top of my plants.
It has been very cold but we have had virtually no snow at all so far. This is a record for me – every time we have builders it seems to wait until a crucial moment is reached and then drops a foot of snow on us.
My front lawn is covered with big piles of timber and closely resembles a carpentery shop. My back garden has stacks of concrete blocks, a cement mixer and scaffolding filling it. Both lawns look an absolute mess.
However my garden birds are still around – undeterred by all the mayhem. Thank goodness I didn’t buy any fish for the new pond. Not only did it freeze hard – about 6" thick- but I also caught builders washing off their tools in it.
Please reassure me that it will all recover !!
7 Oct, 2008
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Yes welcome back, hope your back is soon ok, know what a bad back feels like get one quite alot.
7 Oct, 2008
Oh dear - sorry about the bad back. Take it steady but keep moving, it really does help. My grass needs cutting again too - NO chance! It has stopped raining here now (5.30) and the sun is out, but the last few days have made everything so soggy!
7 Oct, 2008
hi judi,
we grow lots of courgettes & tomatoes, any sudden glut get made into soup , straight into the freezer, and we enjoy during the winter months.just a thought.....steve
7 Oct, 2008
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1 Mar, 2008
welcome back, sound like you have a lot of work ahead of you. just take it easy getting back into the gardening , dont want to make your back problem any worse.
7 Oct, 2008