does anyone know if I can get viable seed off these ?
By PeteRowley
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Hello, i’ve grown from seed this year Leonotis ‘Staircase’ from T&M after seeing them in the borders at Kew last year.
For those who dont know what there are here is a quick over view :-
suppose to half hardy perennial(?), they have wonderful tactile square section stems, leaf look a bit like a nettle leaf (i think there are related?) they have spiny green ‘whorls’ at the leaf junctions with the stem which bloom into bright orange flowers. They should grow to about 5-6 feet but my tallest is 9 foot 4 inches!!> I’ve grown in my front garden and had loads of people asking what there are, probably because they are so unusually.
Anyway my question is has anyone collected viable seed off these in the past and do they come true to parent plant or revert? i wait with anticipation! Thanks Pete.
P.s. will try and get a photo of the plant for identification soon.
6 Nov, 2007
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1 Mar, 2008
Most named varieties of plants will not come true from seed and will revert back to the parent - in this case probably leonotis leonurus (which also has orange flowers and grows 5-6 feet tall). To perpetuate the named variety, you would need to progogate by cuttings which should have been taken earlier in the growing season
7 Nov, 2007