Remembering my grandmother
By Sarah65
Hi GoY friends, I lost my beloved grandmother in September. She was 99 and I was blessed to have her in my life for so long. She was a truly remarkable lady. She grew up in Co. Armagh and was educated at Oxford in the Classics. She moved to Donegal when she married my grandfather. In 1956, she and my grandfather moved their four children to Vancouver, Canada and started life over. She was one of the most interesting and interested people anyone could have had the privilege to meet and rarely a day goes by when I don’t miss her. She had an endless knowledge of botany and horticulture and she taught me much. She loved roses and I want to plant a rose in her memory in my garden. I thought a climber would be nice. The problem is that where I would like to plant it is at least part shade. Does anyone have any ideas? In Seattle we are zone 8 and our climate is similar to the UK and Ireland except our summers tend to be drier.
1 Jun, 2008
Earlier today I posted a picture of a rose called 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain' that prefers some shade. Not a climber (only reaches around six feet) but is appreciating a position against a fence in my garden
1 Jun, 2008
Hi Sarah, You can also do a google search on " shade roses ". Heirloom Roses has a lovely single petal white rose called Mermaid. A lot of the bigger growers like Jackson & Perkins have come out with varieties that do well in a lot of shade. Check out their websites. Good luck finding one. I'm sure that your grandmother would be very pleased.
2 Jun, 2008
It's nice to have happy memories. I've had my love of the garden from one of my grandmothers. I could write a lot about her and I still miss her although she died many years ago.
I collect fuchsias and I came across one variety called Hanna and one called Winifred. I had to buy them - they're the names of my two Grandmothers
1 Jun, 2008