blooming flowers/cutting
By alejeune
I am always curious about which blooming flowers I should cut and which I shouldn’t…to encourage growth and also for new blooms. For instance, what about yellow yarrow? I want to cut it to bring inside. Will it encourage more blooms? or…is that it for the season if I cut the flowers for arrangements?
17 May, 2008
Thanks so much! and yes, that is it. And, boy, I wish I had more space! My once sunny yard is now covered in shade. My large, sunny herb areas are now shady and my sunny areas are very small. I end up just cramming way too much into small areas. I want the beauty inside and out, want to cut the flowers, but don't want to lose the blooms outside.
Thanks again! I appreciate it.
17 May, 2008
The only flowers that I do pick are Sweet Peas and the occasional rose. Sweet peas go to seed if you don't pick them regularly, and of course they smell WONDERFUL in the house! Otherwise, I find that flowers last longer in the garden, so I enjoy them outside and use Orchids to brighten up indoors.
17 May, 2008
I am not sure what you mean by 'Yellow Yarrow' - do you mean 'Achillea'? I think that this plant sends up several flowers which last for ages and then that's it. A few plants may have a second flush of blooms after cutting back - Delphiniums do this for example - but you have to make a choice in general - in the garden or in the house. Some people have a separate section of the garden just for flowers to cut. This seems to be a good solution if you have the space.
17 May, 2008