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I think the vandal is angry


By alextb


Since the atack, a week ago, the garden has been left alone. FOR NOW!

Instead, one night when I was helping an elderly neighbiur get her dog inside, he came past and called me a paedophile c**t.

He can get as angry as he likes. He won’t win.

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if you know who he is why not report him to the council/police etc.

22 Jun, 2010


have a camera ready at all times and report it,do not let this go any further and report every incident so that if anything happens you have back up and proof,good luck

22 Jun, 2010


report him

23 Jun, 2010


I agree with all said above, report him and soon!

23 Jun, 2010


A police cosntable from the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team spoke to him today, and he didn't loom too impressed when he passed me in the street.

23 Jun, 2010

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