Snow + trouble makers = anti-social behaviour
By alextb
Another blog where I AGAIN write about my experiences with the trouble maker and his minions.
I knew this would happen when the snow came, the snowballs would pelt the windows, and the front door. To make it worse the snowballs contain ice and are tightly packed so make a hell of a bang and frighten the life out of you.
2 days on the trot I was hit in the face from close range with a snow- ice ball, which both hurt. The second time I went in to my bedroom where they were throwing snowballs, but didn’t turn on the light, and I watched them scoop snow then throw it, and I swang the window open and shouted “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” Only for him to swing round and throw a large snow / ice ball which hit me directly in the mouth and I phoned my Local Safer Neighbourhoods Team and a very nice PCSO who I know quite well came round.
She checked that I was not injured and then went out and told him to leave us alone.
Yesterday we had front door pelted and we watched and heard the older one (main trouble maker) telling them to post some ice through our letterbox. Just as they did my Mum swang open the door and sacred teh crap out of the kid who had done it and of course he denied it, although he was the only one wearing a flourescent green hat which was clearly visible.
I was holding the phone and pretended to be on the phone to the police which put the look offear on his face.
After we closed the door he sytarted crying, and refused to continue participating in the ASB.
The kids look up to the older one and of course he also has the power of intimidation if the refuse.
I have over 40 pages of a log and plenty of pictures from over the period of ASb, and hopefully this will get things in motion, and the council have also now asked me to make a statement.
Also, my other Solar Security Light was knocked down by a barage of snowballs.
BRING ON THE BIG MELT. Bring on Spring and the bright spring bulbs will cheer me up, and anyone who touches any of my over 300 bulbs will feel my wrath!
Hope the snow isn’t causing too many problems round your way.
My work Christmas Lunch will amke me forget for a few hours what I will come home to.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous and lucky New Year to you all.
I will leave you with some pics from the past few days.
1) The miniature Christmas Conifer in the road.
2) A mini garden birds planter
3) Where the palnter was lying on its back, and wher eit should have been.
4) Notice the reflection of the communal door in the huge puddle after the front door assault.
5) Snowballs on the wall next to our front door and the remaining pieces of snow from the assault.
6) The Solar Secuirty Light
7) Where the Solar security Light was.
20 Dec, 2010
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Thanks Cristina, and yeah not long, although it feels like it.
21 Dec, 2010
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19 Jul, 2009
oooo poor you hun !!! dont know how you cope with it !!! think i wud be bashing them by now .... why carnt they live and let live urgggg. thinking of you and hopeing you can have a quiet xmas and gud new year .... take care hun , merry xmas not long too spring ;0))))
21 Dec, 2010