Back from holiday
After two weeks of amazing views and nature in Lancashire we have returned to our little (ok, tiny) patch of Kentish soil raring to make improvements. Hot sunshine and plenty of rain have both benefited and reeked havoc whilst we’ve been away – the tomatoes and courgettes appear to be thriving, as does the mint and our little toddler’s flowers. However so does the evil ivy that keeps on coming back! I don’t want to use weedkillers but hot vinegar and washing up liquid just don’t seem to be heavyweight enough.
We’ve ordered our new shed – can’t wait to have somewhere to store all the rubbish that I keep tripping over in the side-return
Hubby will demolish the old shed, you won’t catch me in the vicinty of that many tarantulas.
13 Jul, 2008
Previous post: Surburban Cottage Garden
Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that heaving Ivy up by hand is the only way. I have it amongst other plants so weedkillers are not possible. If it grows back, well, off I go again! SIGH!
14 Jul, 2008
What about giving the ivy some direction, something to grow up or over, other than your shed? Turn it into a bit of a feature etc.
Sometimes it's easyier to go with what the garden is dictating to you.
If not chop it down and dig it up.
14 Jul, 2008
My sympathy about the ivy, we have been trying to get rid of some since bought this house 22 years ago. I think in our case it's a lost cause!
13 Jul, 2008