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Moving House


Hello Everyone not been on for a while busy doing other things,we will be moving to a bigger council house in about 2-3 months time,I know big headache but none the less nice house and a nice garden well it will be after the forrest has been cleared (will try to get photos over weekend)it will take me a while to knock it into shape as it will be split into 3 front,side & back don’t have any measurments yet,planning to start from scratch with plants(leaving the ones in the garden hopefuly for the new tenants to enjoy)I’ve got a few ideas of my own so any ideas will be more than welcome,oh yes on top of that the allotment.

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Good luck in your new home :o) I hope you'll show us photos of the garden as you plant it up

25 Feb, 2011


Hi Hywel thanks will do,will try and get some photos tomorrow then you can see the task that lies ahead.

25 Feb, 2011


Yes, I wish you good luck too. What an exciting challenge with a new(to you) garden - I wonder if there are any plants among the weeds there ?

26 Feb, 2011


Wish you all the best in your new home.

27 Feb, 2011


Thanks for your best wishes,Hywel,mariek,Clarice and Lauram.Going to try and get some measurements today,will need some as I've got some things that I will be takeing with me,greenhouse,rabbit hutch etc will try and do a rough sketch of my plans and post it.what is the best coloured paper/card to use a background,don't want to use white as it might not take a good picture.

28 Feb, 2011

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